2023-01-14 UTC
RasAlGhoul_, starrwulfe and doug_c_im joined the channel
[tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
# 03:43 [tw2113_Slack_] for the greater good
# 03:43 [tw2113_Slack_] (the greater good)
doug_c_im and blindnerd joined the channel
# 04:07 [tw2113_Slack_] retaining classic editor
# 04:07 [tw2113_Slack_] beyond just the "classic editor" plugin
# 04:07 [tw2113_Slack_] also I wanted to quote Hot Fuzz
# 04:24 GWG Reforking 6.0 may get me to ClassicPress. Essentially maintaining the Classic Editor, but taking advantage of the rest of the WordPress work
doug_c_im and starrwulfe joined the channel
# 04:36 GWG [tw2113_Slack_]: What have you been up to, haven't asked in a while.
fef joined the channel
# 04:38 [tw2113_Slack_] a lot of health based focus the past half year+ and staying the course with dayjob
# 04:38 [tw2113_Slack_] i just recently passed my 10 year anniversary with my employer which I'm sure I've passively mentioned, and that's exciting
# 04:39 [tw2113_Slack_] excited for our overall future and my prospects going forward, which does not hinder at all
# 04:40 GWG [tw2113_Slack_]: Congratulations.
# 04:40 GWG Should I ask about any Indieweb projects? The rest sounds busy.
# 04:41 [tw2113_Slack_] I'm not super active in considerably "all aspects" but I do still keep uptodate with my self hosted reading tracking
# 04:41 GWG No one needs to be in all aspects.
# 04:42 [tw2113_Slack_] though "IT" is an outlier because I started it in like 2019 or so...i got tired of it being in my "currently reading" list years later and powered through
# 04:42 Loqi [preview] [Michael Beckwith] Read books for 2022 Challenge:
Total achieved: 26, total aimed for: 20, current status: challenge concludedTotal pages read: 7,818A History of the Vampire in Popular Culture: Love at First BiteEverybody Writes: Your ...
# 04:43 GWG I enjoy your take on that and tracydurnell's.
# 04:44 [tw2113_Slack_] the last 4 books I've read have been metabolic/fasting/fitness based so I feel I need to change things up and finish some fiction/non-fiction
# 04:44 [tw2113_Slack_] i have "the Turning" by Henry James started for way too long, and then a book about female pirates ongoing too
# 04:47 [tw2113_Slack_] all in all, all things considered, i'm doing alright which is very privileged and fortunate
starrwulfe, doug_c_im, [zeina] and [m] joined the channel
# 08:29 [tw2113_Slack_] forgive my rudeness in not asking how you are, in all the same ways.
starrwulfe, doug_c_im, IWSlackGateway, test4, [TMichelleMoore], Neruthes, [KevinMarks] and [tantek] joined the channel
# 16:50 [TMichelleMoore] [snarfed] Using BridgyFed, how would a person follow 100 people on Mastodon? Is there anyway to import them? Or how about this, could I make something like Selenium repeat some steps and enter the names in there if it has to be done manually?
[snarfed] joined the channel
# 16:56 [snarfed] [TMichelleMoore] you can automate by posting follow posts and sending webmentions!
# 16:57 Loqi [preview] [StarrWulfe] #355 Import/Export followers list
# 17:16 [snarfed] (btw these kinds of q's are ok for #indieweb-dev or #indieweb too, definitely not wordpress specific!)
[aciccarello], starrwulfe and [schmarty] joined the channel
# 18:10 [TMichelleMoore] [snarfed] Thank you! I will try it out. And thank you for the channel tip, I was wondering about that…
doug_c_im, blindnerd, JohnBeales, jsbach, starrwulfe and gRegor joined the channel