#wordpress 2023-01-23

2023-01-23 UTC
RasAlGhoul, angelo, starrwulfe, jsbach and [pfefferle] joined the channel
[dshanske] I am sorry, I was a bit sick last weekend 😞
[dshanske] I also merged the template PR
so maybe have some last live checks on our blogs
and think about a way to disable the semantic linkbacks plugin?
I have an open pull request for SL, so that it deactivates itself... maybe you can have a look?
gRegor joined the channel
I will.
RasAlGhoul, [jacky], fef, Guest6, gRegor and [Murray] joined the channel
GWG: I’m writing up some thoughts on Yarn after using it for about a week…
starrwulfe[m]: Thoughts on everything are good and appreciated
[aciccarello] joined the channel
[preview] [pfefferle] I think besides the styling possibilities (using CSS classes), the rel and class attribute is important to add Microformats! See: * https://gmpg.org/xfn/ (rel-attribute) * https://microformats.org/wiki/h-entry#Proposed_Additions Which is im...
[Mark] joined the channel
Here you go GWG
[preview] Yarns is a microsub server plug-in available for Wordpress that allows with the aid of different connecting apps to read RSS feeds and use Indieweb techniques to interact with them.  What's the use case for this? Because I'm using this site for al...
starrwulfe joined the channel