GWGI migrated Compass which required PHP 7.4 to a new server and upgraded the one I use for development to PHP8.2 and I'm getting errors.. time to check plugins
[asuh]gwg, it’s a great question. Many syntactic sugar additions that I enjoy like null coalescing operators and `use` declarations to group imports, and even more niceness up to 7.4 like arrow functions. The biggest benefits is speed. But, yeah, it seems many of the changes are preference and conciseness
[asuh]Yeah, it makes sense to hang on to 5.6. Despite that, it’s fascinating to see how quickly majority usage went from 5.6 to 7.4 in the last four years.
[pfefferle]2[chrisbergr] [dshanske] but what about auto updates in the background? How many people are using the wp-Admin especially in the IndieWeb community (micropub)
[chrisbergr]1Good question, I would never allow auto-updates of plugins, thats way to risky... But of course I can not make conclusions from my behavior to others.
[chrisbergr]1You can opt in for auto updates for each plugin individually on the plugins list. It's in the right column.Also, non-security core updates are not automatically per default.
[chrisbergr]1I guess not. But there are more ways to auto update. e.g. I have a lot of client sites secured with the wpmu dev suite, I can auto update everything on every connected page from within the wpmu dashboard. And there are some hosting solutions also stuffed with update processes.