#wordpress 2023-02-17
2023-02-17 UTC
plantroon[m] joined the channel
plantroon[m] is there any chance that one might be able to interact with wordpress friends plugin (with activitypub) via apps that are meant for Mastodon, so something like Husky on Android? Is there maybe some way to reply to posts in the WP friends UI?
[tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
[tw2113_Slack_] adopting all the plugins from my dayjob. We're pruning our catalog and I was like "i don't want these to necessarily get closed down, i'll take on development myself" and get them transferred to my name
[tw2113_Slack_] WP Contributions, Slideshow Captions for Jetpack, Network Sites Counts Dashboard Widget, and BuddyExtender
[tw2113_Slack_] mostly utility plugins or "fixes"
fef, IWSlackGateway, gRegor, [tantek], [snarfed], [pfefferle], [KevinMarks], [dave], RasAlGhoul, [schmarty] and [Tim_Nolte] joined the channel
[Tim_Nolte] plantroon so this is something that I've been thinking about working on. Not specifically with Friends, as no that won't do what you want, and I personally am not OK with the implementation of it creating real WordPress users on my site for the core of it's feature set. What I'm hoping to do at some point is create a Mastodon Bridge plugin that will be able to respond to Mastodon API requests from a Mastodon client as if
[Tim_Nolte] your WordPress site was a Mastodon server. I'm hoping to leverage the existing WordPress plugins like ActivityPub & Webfinger to provide as much of the underlying implementation as I can.
plantroon[m] isn't Mastodon is the bigger problem in that case bcos it will still show its users under its own subdomain in some apps? Just a thought, I don't have any of it deployed yet. I wish for some officially supported way for activitypub to be able to share one identity across all the services but there doesn't seem to be huge demand for it.
plantroon[m] s/is//
[Tim_Nolte] plantroon with the current available WordPress plugins you can accomplish much of this but you can't use an Mastodon client with WordPress. You will have to go to your WordPress site directly to use most of it.
[snarfed] plantroon AP still lets you use one identity across all instances. Yes Mastodon can show your profile and posts inside other instances, on their domains, but that doesn't mean your AP identity is fragmented, any more than if you post an indieweb reply on your own site and send a webmention and it then also shows up as a comment under the original post
[Tim_Nolte] [snarfed] I think where the challenge is for most is, like me, I use my phone for most of this. When it comes to trying to do all of this from your phone on your WordPress site the experience is far from what it is when you are using an actual Mastodon instance. That is sort of my point is that you can accomplish a lot of it but it is very fragmented and not a super great experience for new people at least.
[Tim_Nolte] Even though I have my WordPress site available on Mastodon and when I post to my blog it's available the ability to interact with people is pretty challenging and I end up just defaulting to boosting my WordPress site AP posts and interacting with it using my Mastodon instance account. I run my own Mastodon instance so I'm OK since it's all still "my own" content.
[Tim_Nolte] That being said even with trying to provide some sort of Mastodon "experience" you all have done too much great work that I want to leverage and boost and give back to even if I go down that road.
[Tim_Nolte] The more options are and collaboration there is the better all of this is going to be for the entire Fediverse I think.
[aciccarello] joined the channel
[Tim_Nolte] I would say probably the main source is being able to follow others, that are on say Mastodon (or elsewhere) and be able to easily have your stream and being able to interact with others but use your WordPress site as your "identity". I know that Friends is trying to do that but I have some challenges with that implementation. Let me think about this a little and put together my thoughts on what I've been doing, where I'd
[Tim_Nolte] like to be, and some ideas I've had around that. A big challenge also is that the mobile experience, even with the WordPress dashboard is not great. And the mobile apps for WordPress don't work with anything custom like Fediverse stuff. I may also of course be looking at this all wrong. However, I feel like some of what I've heard from new people trying to put the WordPress site onto the Fediverse is that their expectations
[Tim_Nolte] are that it will end up being like a Mastodon experience when used. I know that is not the intent for the work that has been done so I'm not trying to push everyone into that model. If think if there was a plugin that could be added into the mix to give folks that sort of experience it could be a huge win.
[Tim_Nolte] OK, I've got to get back to the day job. 😉 Will chat more later.
[snarfed] sounds like following specifically and reading your feed maybe just isn't implemented in the WP AP plugin yet? looking at eg https://wordpress.org/plugins/activitypub/#what%20is%20the%20status%20of%20this%20plugin%3F
[snarfed] BF does it with feeds and a follow form on your user page: https://fed.brid.gy/docs#read , https://fed.brid.gy/docs#follow
gRegor and [asuh] joined the channel
[asuh] I’ve wondered about a Quill (https://quill.p3k.io) -like experience using ActivityPub to consume the data that WordPress Dashboard is so bad at. So it would be like a MicroPub + ActivityPub CRUD app that plugs into WordPress.

[jeremycherfas] and [tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel