#wordpress 2023-02-19

2023-02-19 UTC
angelo, [KevinMarks], marissa, RasAlGhoul, gRegor, gRegorLove_ and IWSlackGateway joined the channel
!tell chrisbegr Do you know anyone at DeepL. This cropped up in Alfred forums and it seems like something they could change relatively easily https://www.alfredforum.com/topic/19672-copied-text-from-deepl-does-not-appear-in-the-clipboard-history/
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[pfefferle], [KevinMarks] and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
Chrisbergr ^
gRegor, RasAlGhoul, doug_c_im, [felix_wenzel73], [TMichelleMoore] and IWSlackGateway joined the channel