#wordpress 2023-02-27

2023-02-27 UTC
IWSlackGateway, [aciccarello], [tantek], gRegor, [schmarty], [snarfed], [jacky], RasAlGhoul_, RasAlGhoul__, doug_c_im, petermolnar, [KevinMarks], jeremycherfas, jeremy, Guest6, pmlnr1, fdsaf, [Murray] and [jamietanna] joined the channel; petermolnar left the channel
hey GWG I just noticed that the Micropub plugin is doing something odd. it generates and inserts a text excerpt at the beginning of response posts, eg likes, reposts, and replies, _inside_ e-content
this generally doesn't matter for likes and replies, since webmention recipients generally don't care about their contents, but for replies, they do
[snarfed]: Do you have an example?
so for example, I created this reply via Micropub just now: https://snarfed.org/2023-02-27_snarfed-foo-bar-https-snarfed-org-p-mas-to . the plugin added the "In reply to ..." (ignore the reply context after it, my site auto generates that in JS)
[snarfed]: Do you remember that dynamic vs static generation conversation we had pre-Gutenberg? We never did anything about it
that resulted in the reply here, https://mas.to/@snarfed/109668310494520038 , which is wrong, it shouldn't have that "In reply to" excerpt. but it does because it's inside e-content.
yuuuuup I do
Maybe time to finally deal with that.
We punted it many times.
maybe, but that will take months minimum, maybe years. hopefully we can find a small fix for this before that
[preview] [dshanske] #85 redesign to coordinate with other mf2 plugins and themes
since wm recipients consume e-content in replies, it seems like the micropub plugin shouldn't add an excerpt to replies at all
just an empty in-reply-to link
I mean, if you can easily move it _outside_ e-content, that works too, but I expect that's harder
[snarfed]: Well, in the short term, if you are handling your own outside of e-content content, you could tell it so. But maybe it should be a setting.
A setting for whether to include the excerpt in replies? Maybe. So you think some people will _want_ their replies to include that text every time?
I kind of doubt that
Do you?
(want it in your own replies?)
I meant, the storage issue. The reason it is going out is because by default, it stores that in the content field. Maybe it should not store it, but then that makes it mandatory that it be added in dynamically or by the theme.
gRegor joined the channel
So, maybe it is time for 100% dynamic. But that will create a Gutenberg issue.
Decisions decisions
Right, I understand that issue. Short term, we obviously need to keep the u-in-reply-to link in content. I just think it should be blank. the visible "In reply to [url]" text is surprising and unwanted, I expect by everyone
That works. What about in summary?
I guess? I'm not familiar with where that's displayed, I don't think my theme displays it at all
Well, summary in Micropub is for when you don't understand properties
But you're right, it's a reply context, it's useful, just shouldn't be in content
I may have to brainstorm the least intrusive change.
Just remove the excerpt and URL text, make the link blank. Totally non-intrusive
I can send a PR if you want
That's fine, I can handle it
Thank you!!!
[tw2113_Slack_], [KevinMarks], [campegg] and RasAlGhoul__ joined the channel