[snarfed]hey GWG I just noticed that the Micropub plugin is doing something odd. it generates and inserts a text excerpt at the beginning of response posts, eg likes, reposts, and replies, _inside_ e-content
[snarfed]this generally doesn't matter for likes and replies, since webmention recipients generally don't care about their contents, but for replies, they do
GWG[snarfed]: Well, in the short term, if you are handling your own outside of e-content content, you could tell it so. But maybe it should be a setting.
[snarfed]A setting for whether to include the excerpt in replies? Maybe. So you think some people will _want_ their replies to include that text every time?
GWGI meant, the storage issue. The reason it is going out is because by default, it stores that in the content field. Maybe it should not store it, but then that makes it mandatory that it be added in dynamically or by the theme.
[snarfed]Right, I understand that issue. Short term, we obviously need to keep the u-in-reply-to link in content. I just think it should be blank. the visible "In reply to [url]" text is surprising and unwanted, I expect by everyone