#wordpress 2023-03-09

2023-03-09 UTC
ben_thatmustbeme, RasAlGhoul_ and angelo joined the channel
[snarfed] Ready to talk your PR
[snarfed] joined the channel
GWG ok! is there more to talk about?
[snarfed]: Just the one question...I don't use the rendered version. I still wonder if anyone using it might have a different opinion.
by "don't use," do you mean you don't post replies via micropub?
No, if you have Post Kinds installed, it stores only content in the content field of the post and displays everything else dynamically
ahhhhh I see
I don't use Post Kinds, so I do use the rendered version, so hopefully my opinion counts then 😁
Yes, just wondering who might have an opinion. I suppose if there is a complaint, we can address.
do you see how replies don't really seem usable at all right now with the rendered version?
I understand the problem.
so hopefully this doesn't affect Post Kinds users, and it fixes replies for everyone else
It doesn't at all.
Next, I guess I'll work on 286, maybe 281, and look at 272 and 283
Might as well fix some other things.
thank you for merging!
I also moved my test server to PHP8 to test for strict typing errors
RasAlGhoul_, [jamietanna], [snarfed]1, tinytoast, [tantek]1, [tantek], [snarfed], [KevinMarks], cambridgeport90, [schmarty], [timothy_chambe], [jacky], RasAlGhoul, gRegor and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel