#wordpress 2023-03-11
2023-03-11 UTC
gRegor, [tw2113_Slack_], RasAlGhoul, RasAlGhoul_, gRegorLove_, [jamietanna], jeremycherfas and jeremy joined the channel
[TMichelleMoore] @gwg Does the MF2 Feeds plugin (https://wordpress.org/plugins/mf2-feed/) allow me to add it to my WordPress site which uses the block editor and add all of the microformats for me? And then I don’t have to add them manually?

[TMichelleMoore] The ActivtyPub plugin was mention here. https://wptavern.com/toot-the-word-survey-finds-mastodon-increasingly-important-to-wordpress-community-of-tooters [pfefferle]

[pfefferle] 😍

[pfefferle] [TMichelleMoore] (mf2-feed) it adds a json feed, that is similar to the result of a parsed microformatted site, but it only represents the fundamental stuff, like title, content, author, … but ignores everything that is added inside the content using blocks (at least for now)

[pfefferle] You can compare it using my site

[pfefferle] The parsed HTML version: http://php.microformats.io/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fnotiz.blog%2F2023%2F01%2F31%2F2022%2F

[pfefferle] So if you are not able to add any Microformats to your site, it’s currently the best solution you can use, but it might not be supported by all Webmention endpoints

[pfefferle] (the WordPress plugin does support it bzw.)

[pfefferle] Btw

jeremycherfas joined the channel
[TMichelleMoore] [pfefferle] I don’t totally understand what you mean. Lol When I publish using Brid.gy, I have to add the e-content and other classes to get it to send to Mastodon. If I use the MF2 plugin, Will I still have to add these classes?

[pfefferle] That you have to ask [snarfed] ! That’s what I meant with: it might not be supported by every endpoint

[pfefferle] The plugin does not add e-content to you html site

[TMichelleMoore] [pfefferle] OK I think I got it! So where would these microformats benefit WordPress sites?

[pfefferle] [snarfed] does bridgy support mf2 json as rel-alternate feed? https://indieweb.org/rel-alternate

[TMichelleMoore] [pfefferle] Does ActivityPub use it?

[pfefferle] Nope

[pfefferle] But bridgy does translate between webmentions (which use Microformats (at least in the IndieWeb world)) and ActivityPub

[TMichelleMoore] Oh got it!

[pfefferle] So you blog speaks webmentions and bridgy uses that to send activities

[TMichelleMoore] Ohhhhhh, got it more!

[pfefferle] There are themes that support mf2 but I am not sure that they will work for you… design is a very personal thing :)

[pfefferle] The listed themes have e-content support out of the box

[TMichelleMoore] I like to use the current default theme. So that has been one of my main things I have stuck to.

[pfefferle] But that does not help [TMichelleMoore] atm. :)

jeremycherfas, RasAlGhoul_, IWSlackGateway and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
[KevinMarks] Can you get them to add mf2 markup to the default there's?

[KevinMarks] *themes

[snarfed] and Loqi joined the channel
[chrisbergr] Do you have an url of a post where you experienced issues? So I can see the html of it...

[TMichelleMoore] [chrisbergr] I will make one. I will send a little later. One will be one that has the classes and works with Brid.gy. The second will be one where I haven’t added anything and check the publish to Mastodon with Brid.gy option but doesn’t get published because the e-content etc aren’t added. I will be back in touch in a bit.

[TMichelleMoore] [chrisbergr] Post with no classes, no content in Brid.gy - https://tmichellemoore.com/blog/aws-partner-accreditation-technical/. Post with classes, small preview in Brid.gy - https://tmichellemoore.com/blog/project-journal-changing-sharepoint-url-closing/. I mention Brid.gy because I know it is looking for those classes.

[tantek] joined the channel
[TMichelleMoore] @gwg Then maybe mine is not working right. I have to add the classes on blocks to get it to publish in Brid.gy when I select publish to Mastodon. Or to get it to preview on Brid.gy.

[TMichelleMoore] @gwg So if I were to check the publish to Mastodon on this link below, should it have published to Mastodon? https://tmichellemoore.com/blog/aws-partner-accreditation-technical/

[chrisbergr] [TMichelleMoore] instead of the mentioned small preview, do you want bridgy to display the full content?

[chrisbergr] Does the preview stop at "The final Step"?

[chrisbergr] There ends your p-summary container

[chrisbergr] Maybe you remove the summary container and add "e-content p-summary" to the parent

[chrisbergr] But there is this other parent div.entry-content... I guess you can edit it in the theme block editor. There you can add your "e-content", so you don't have to add a container always in your posts

[tantek] [pfefferle] this you? https://mastodon.social/@atomicpoet/110003205779053475

Loqi [preview] [Chris Trottier] 🚨BREAKING NEWS!🚨Automattic, the company behind WordPress, is now co-authoring the ActivityPub plugin for WordPress. The intent is to make WordPress a "first party Fediverse member" on par with Mastodon, Pleroma, and Pixelfed. WordPress already ... https://files.mastodon.social/media_attachments/files/110/003/178/668/954/671/original/293ed60998883033.png

[TMichelleMoore] [chrisbergr] I have two main problems: 1 - I don’t want to have to add the e-content or p-summary or anything to the post. I just want to check the Post to Mastodon checkbox and hit publish. 2 - Related to your suggestion, I have been experimenting with and trying to figure out how to make the whole post publish and not just the summary and I also want the full URL. I have tried different classes and each time I previ

[TMichelleMoore] in Brid.gy its just a short amount of content. I can try placing both classes as you suggest.

[chrisbergr] [TMichelleMoore] try placing the classes in the theme block editor. Let me install 23 on one of my test installations, I'll try to explain it better...

[TMichelleMoore] [chrisbergr] I think I almost understand. Is it the global styles?

[chrisbergr] it is Editor / Template -> /wp-admin/site-editor.php?postType=wp_template

[chrisbergr] I guess you need Singular

RasAlGhoul joined the channel
[chrisbergr] There you find the block for the post content, you can add additional css classes, e.g. e-content

[TMichelleMoore] *add it

[chrisbergr] sorry, yes, exactly

[TMichelleMoore] Should I add e-content and p-summary?

[chrisbergr] yes

[chrisbergr] And btw you can add p-title to the post title

[TMichelleMoore] Oh good idea!

[chrisbergr] sorry, p-name is correct i guess

[chrisbergr] And the parent group needs the h-entry class

[chrisbergr] • the main group after the header