[timothy_chambe]Love everything in this article [pfefferle] - but question: why wouldn't eventually having the plugin become part of wordpress core, as RSS is now?
[timothy_chambe]"Pfefferle said he thinks the idea of the acquisition is not to have the protocol merged into core, but to 'guarantee that it will stay open source and to maybe make it a canonical plugin.'”
[timothy_chambe]Love the idea of it as a canonical plugin. I can also totally see why it might want to wait for things to shake out and mature...but can you talk more about your thoughts on ActivityPub and core Wordpress?
Ruxton[timothy_chambe]: when there's no clear benefit for merging something in to core, it tends to remain a plugin, a great example of this is WP Super Cache
Ruxton[timothy_chambe]: and a good example of the feature set reaching core from a plugin dev that got employed, is Viper007Bond's video quick tags, it took AAAAAGGGEEES for WP to support embed of external videos in core.
[pfefferle][timothy_chambe] what GWG and Ruxton said! But that does not mean that it never happens, I only think that it does not happen short or middle term.
[pfefferle]I think AP is a very complex thing and you have to explain a lot. It also changes with every new player that joins the fediverse, so I think it is important to have the possibility to release very fast and very often and that will not be able if you have to wait for the next WordPress release cycle. There is also no guarantee that the WP.org community thinks it is a good fit. So even if we try to get it merged it is a