#wordpress 2023-03-19
2023-03-19 UTC
RasAlGhoul, IWSlackGateway, [KevinMarks], mouse[d], IWDiscordRelay, chee and [TMichelleMoore] joined the channel
[TMichelleMoore] @gwg Good Morning! Do webmentions need any specific microformats to work to communicate with another site for a comment on a blog post? Or do they need the correct microformats for rsvp’s and replying to posts on GitHub and Mastodon etc.? Starting on the Webmention plugin.

[TMichelleMoore] Now I am confused. 😊 If I have the Webmention plugin installed on my site, does it do anything if I want to respond to a post on your site?

[TMichelleMoore] Then if you respond, reply, rsvp, does the Webmention plugin facilitate this? And does it have to have the correct microformats in the response to work?

[TMichelleMoore] @gwg Thank you! So if I send an RSVP, an it just says “yep I am coming,” it won’t do what it should on your site right? Outside of the Webmention portion, the content in my post should have the correct microformats right? Are you saying the delivery and package/content are separate?

[TMichelleMoore] So the test would be - send Webmention and ensure it displays on the destination. But not, ensure that it, for example, shows the RSVP is yes and the person’s name and picture show, right?

[TMichelleMoore] How do I decide how it renders?

[manton] joined the channel
[TMichelleMoore] Got it! I think that explains it. Thank you @gwg!

[chrisbergr] joined the channel
[chrisbergr] To send a reply to any other blog (e.g. david.shanske.com) you'll need post kinds to get the in-reply-to context. - In case that was not 100% clear. A great resource for testing your Webmentions (in and out) is https://webmention.rocks/

[chrisbergr] Sure 🙂

[TMichelleMoore] Thanks [chrisbergr] I will add that to my test steps. I forgot to add micropubs.rocks to my micropub testing. I am going to update that.

RasAlGhoul, [snarfed], [tantek] and [schmarty] joined the channel