#wordpress 2023-03-21

2023-03-21 UTC
RasAlGhoul, IWSlackGateway, [tantek], [snarfed], [benatwork], herbi and [dave] joined the channel
[pfefferle] or anyone else who knows -- how should the webfinger handling be changed to work with wordpress multisite? I don't see anything in my htaccess file and don't know where to redirect calls to the route in .well-known
[dave], Webfinger was working for me fine with no additional setup on multisite Wordpress, it no longer works (or maybe I think it doesn't work) once I switched over to ClassicPress.
Do you recall if there was a file that handled requests in the well-known folder or something in htaccess that I can look for?
No sorry, "it just worked" for me before I changed to CP.
[schmarty] joined the channel
I also can't validate my "h-card", I recall that I could see my picture and URL on the indiewebify site before. Not sure if ClassicPress is doing "something weird" to the rendering of the site, but the code looks right when I view the source of the page, not sure if this is a question for the microformats channel.
[aciccarello], RasAlGhoul, gRegor, [KevinMarks], herbi, yousef, [jacky], [benatwork] and [jjdelc] joined the channel