#wordpress 2023-04-01

2023-04-01 UTC
RasAlGhoul, IWSlackGateway, [schmarty] and [snarfed] joined the channel
GWG++ for the IndieAuth plugin, its UX is really slick these days, the OAuth prompt is clear and the token mgmt UI are both clear and comprehensive!
GWG has 14 karma in this channel over the last year (57 in all channels)
[snarfed]: Thanks. I did a lot of work over the years. I need to do some tweaks for PHP8.
GWG welcome! btw is the "Retrieve information" link on each token supposed to do something? it doesn't for me, just loads the same page with no changes
It reloads client info for the token.
So, probably a better way to show that
what does that mean?
Clients have a URL. It retrieves the icon and name from the URL
yeah definitely not obvious
regardless, GWG++ for the plugin overall, it's great
It has been a labor of love
[snarfed]: It has taken 9 years, but I think all the pieces are starting to converge for me.
It is all refinement from here, I hope
Even if I never solve the block thing
angelo, IWSlackGateway, [tantek], [jamietanna], [schmarty] and [TMichelleMoore] joined the channel
@gwg I am moving on to test the Webmention and Syndication Links but want to wait until your update is done above. I have updated to WordPress 6.2 and thought it would all be a good set of test conditions. Do you think that those updates will be ready this weekend or should I hold off for a bit?
[TMichelleMoore]: [pfefferle] and I need to figure out that last update piece before Semantic Linkbacks is gone. But nothing is happening with Syndication Links
@gwg OK, I will work on syndication links. Thank you!
I was just reading the WP6.2 release notes to see if I needed to note anything.
I saw a couple of videos but have not delved deeply into all of the new features. I am hoping to take what I learn in this testing and the tip [chrisbergr] gave me on adding the h-entry class to my template and anything new in 6.2 to come up with what was my original goal…making a pattern for an RSVP. I might not need the pattern.
Since I focus on under the hood stuff, it would be a different set of things I'd be looking for.
Two of the things I proposed got in
!tell [pfefferle] My production site is now running 5.0. No issues in migration. Just worked.
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[pfefferle] joined the channel
So simply releasing it?
[pfefferle]: Yes, and add in the backup warning for updates as well as be prepared to quickly release fixes.
My only problem involves a customization I myself did, so not something others would be affected by. And it is just a visual one.
I had a special version of the comment display for ones that came from webmention that displayed people coming in that way slightly differently. Might try to see if I can recreate that for future.
RasAlGhoul joined the channel
[preview] [David Shanske] Why don’t people wear hats outdoors anymore in large numbers? In the past, it was considered inappropriate to go bareheaded in some contexts.
[pfefferle]: What do you think?
RasAlGhoul_, [tw2113_Slack_], [KevinMarks] and [snarfed] joined the channel
Can you write the update notice?
Or do we already have one?
[chrisbergr] joined the channel
I'm running Version 103.11.0, I guess I won't get an update 🙂
will this be the last release before the merger?
[pfefferle]: Will do today.
[chrisbergr]: 103 of what?
Semantic Linkbacks
I thought that's what you guys were talking about
• I have turned up the version number to get no updates
We discussed the “merger”
"merger" is a german word, right? 😄
So, the upcomming update you are talking about right now is the merge between Linkbacks and Webmention?
[chrisbergr]: Correct.
Cool, I'm very excited. When that's released, I'll tweak the code again a bit so there's the possibility to use templates that the theme can override. Just like a few years ago, I'll post this on Github again. Maybe this time you'll let some of it flow into the plugin? 🙂
[chrisbergr]: Plan to.. I need some of that
Okay great.
herbi, IWDiscordRelay, mouse[d], IWDiscord and antranigv_ joined the channel
[pfefferle]: The notice is already there if you want to proceed
IWSlackGateway, RasAlGhoul, RasAlGhoul__ and [tantek] joined the channel