#wordpress 2023-04-12

2023-04-12 UTC
RasAlGhoul_, sebbu and fef joined the channel
Okay, 4 new PRs for Webmentions down
GWG++ awesome
GWG has 20 karma in this channel over the last year (62 in all channels)
sebbu, IWSlackGateway, Kaja and [pfefferle] joined the channel
@GWG added some comments and merged the first one
I hope you feel better!
IWSlackGateway, antranigv, fef, [capjamesg], [KevinMarks] and [pfefferle] joined the channel
[dshanske] what is the difference of `webmention_source_url` and `webmention_canonical_url`
do we use both?
because of brid.gy?
or is canonical now simply url?
[tantek], RasAlGhoul_, [dave] and [manton] joined the channel
It's simply url. Source url is not always the same because of Bridgy...so either it is webmention_source_url or url.
We need to distinguish for updates
fixed the cli code
and had a look at all your PRs
You missed 376
gRegor, angelo, RasAlGhoul_, RasAlGhoul__, [marksuth], [schmarty] and [snarfed] joined the channel
[tw2113_Slack_] and [chrisbergr] joined the channel
Progress: https://github.com/chrisbergr/iwc-blocks - I have 'forked' 3 of 8 necessary blocks. I am making good progress. Once I have all the blocks, I can add various options, such as the choice of comment types, or whether to show list/facepiles only. If it goes on like this, I should be able to offer a working solution for webmentions in the comments section of block themes next month at the latest.
[chrisbergr]: Did you cc comment on the controversy yet?
@GWG sorry, I don't know what controversy you're talking about
I tried to create an intermediate PR before your templating one and I think we have discussion topics
[chrisbergr]: Controversy may be the wrong word... spirited discussion