#wordpress 2023-04-15
2023-04-15 UTC
[fluffy] and [chrisbergr] joined the channel
# [chrisbergr] @GWG: If you're already asking me about my opinion on 5.1: It's a lot of small improvements, which is good. It is desirable that there are rather more small updates, in shorter intervals, than few big ones.
# [chrisbergr] Fine, that makes it easier to keep my website up to date 🙂
fef, Chris-98, [marksuth], IWSlackGateway, antranigv, [snarfed], [KevinMarks], anthony1 and [timothy_chambe] joined the channel
# [timothy_chambe] Feels akin to many projects here: "The ‘universal feed reader’ application of my dreams works as follows...."
# [timothy_chambe] https://blog.erlend.sh/draft-follow-anyone
IWSlackGateway, antranigv and [TMichelleMoore] joined the channel
# [TMichelleMoore] Hello @gwg and [pfefferle]! Can you all confirm that I should remove the Semantic-Linkbacks plugin? I have been trying to keep track here and see that the Semantic-Linkbacks plugin is archived in Github, but mine didn’t deactivate itself. I was going to finish my little testing project and was waiting for that to happen and time slipped by. It’s ok to remove it right?
[chrisbergr] joined the channel
# [chrisbergr] Oh multisite... I had so much trouble in the past using my website as multisite and additionally in 2 languages. I dropped multisite and now only the multilingual stuff is causing problems ^^
# [chrisbergr] Maybe because of the multisite, semantic linkbacks wasn't removed.
[pfefferle] joined the channel
# [pfefferle] Oh! It should not only be deactivated but removed
# [pfefferle] Yes, you should remove it
# [chrisbergr] [pfefferle] see the screenshot. It is not deactivated
# [TMichelleMoore] [chrisbergr] I considered going back to non-multisite and saw some steps that seemed a teeny bit daunting. Maybe it wasn’t so bad, I think I had to edit a config file but it seemed like there was one more step… I will look back into that, because I really don’t need it.
# [TMichelleMoore] [pfefferle] Thank you, will do that now!
# [chrisbergr] [TMichelleMoore] I'm not sure how easy this will be. Or if it is even possible. I've set up a new wordpress instance (under a new tld) and moved my contents via export/import
# [TMichelleMoore] [chrisbergr] Well, its possible and just as I faintly remembered. 🙂 When someone says remove the database tables…I don’t like that. I have to think about doing this. https://poststatus.com/completely-disable-multisite/
# [chrisbergr] I'm happy that I did it the way with a new page 😄
# [TMichelleMoore] [chrisbergr] I would almost consider that except for when I discovered the IndieWeb in November of 2022 I already did this, but still used multi-site. I combined topics into one single site. I had listened to the advice that your site should have one focus. Rejecting that advice, I combined my photography with my sometimes project management and every other thought that popped into my head blog. The pain of moving those
# [TMichelleMoore] photos was so much that I still haven’t finished fixing all of the posts that had photos. If I take the plunge and remove the multisite, I will let you know if I totally broke my site. 🙂
[snarfed] and [tantek] joined the channel
# [TMichelleMoore] [chrisbergr] Did it! Using these instructions. https://wpmudev.com/blog/uninstall-multisite/ Do you think I really need to update that .htaccess file? That looks a little ominous.
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
# [chrisbergr] Really, you just went through with it now? 🙂 So as I see it, there is nothing problematic in the htaccess file.
# [TMichelleMoore] [chrisbergr] Yep! My site still works and I made sure to back it up. I deleted the tables, updated wp-config, and probably the one thing that would have been a surprise - I reactivated the network activated plugins. I am going to leave that file alone. (Thank you for your feedback on it.)