#wordpress 2023-04-15

2023-04-15 UTC
[fluffy] and [chrisbergr] joined the channel
@GWG: If you're already asking me about my opinion on 5.1: It's a lot of small improvements, which is good. It is desirable that there are rather more small updates, in shorter intervals, than few big ones.
[chrisbergr]: We have no intention of big ones
Fine, that makes it easier to keep my website up to date 🙂
GWG what's the status of the 5.0 migration bug fixes?
[snarfed]: What bugs?
The issue seems to be that the author url wasn't migrated into the author url field because that field was previously used for the source url because that's how pingbacks did it?
I haven't followed closely, it just sounded like you all discovered some migration bugs after the release that you were fixing
[snarfed]: That was the only issue.
ok! and is that...fixed? or not a bug?
[snarfed]: It is and isn't, but yes, it will be in the next release I'd imagine
We've merged things already
For example, short mentions becoming comments
Support fixed for sending Webmentions from custom post types
More info on the comment edit screen
Also a way to refresh the Webmention from source
And some attempts at display options and enhancements
GWG has 21 karma in this channel over the last year (62 in all channels)
Also removed the gravatar cache code.
fef, Chris-98, [marksuth], IWSlackGateway, antranigv, [snarfed], [KevinMarks], anthony1 and [timothy_chambe] joined the channel
Feels akin to many projects here: "The ‘universal feed reader’ application of my dreams works as follows...."
IWSlackGateway, antranigv and [TMichelleMoore] joined the channel
Hello @gwg and [pfefferle]! Can you all confirm that I should remove the Semantic-Linkbacks plugin? I have been trying to keep track here and see that the Semantic-Linkbacks plugin is archived in Github, but mine didn’t deactivate itself. I was going to finish my little testing project and was waiting for that to happen and time slipped by. It’s ok to remove it right?
[chrisbergr] joined the channel
Oh multisite... I had so much trouble in the past using my website as multisite and additionally in 2 languages. I dropped multisite and now only the multilingual stuff is causing problems ^^
Maybe because of the multisite, semantic linkbacks wasn't removed.
[pfefferle] joined the channel
Oh! It should not only be deactivated but removed
Yes, you should remove it
[pfefferle] see the screenshot. It is not deactivated
[chrisbergr] I considered going back to non-multisite and saw some steps that seemed a teeny bit daunting. Maybe it wasn’t so bad, I think I had to edit a config file but it seemed like there was one more step… I will look back into that, because I really don’t need it.
[pfefferle] Thank you, will do that now!
[TMichelleMoore] I'm not sure how easy this will be. Or if it is even possible. I've set up a new wordpress instance (under a new tld) and moved my contents via export/import
[chrisbergr] Well, its possible and just as I faintly remembered. 🙂 When someone says remove the database tables…I don’t like that. I have to think about doing this. https://poststatus.com/completely-disable-multisite/
I'm happy that I did it the way with a new page 😄
[chrisbergr] I would almost consider that except for when I discovered the IndieWeb in November of 2022 I already did this, but still used multi-site. I combined topics into one single site. I had listened to the advice that your site should have one focus. Rejecting that advice, I combined my photography with my sometimes project management and every other thought that popped into my head blog. The pain of moving those
photos was so much that I still haven’t finished fixing all of the posts that had photos. If I take the plunge and remove the multisite, I will let you know if I totally broke my site. 🙂
[snarfed] and [tantek] joined the channel
[chrisbergr] Did it! Using these instructions. https://wpmudev.com/blog/uninstall-multisite/ Do you think I really need to update that .htaccess file? That looks a little ominous.
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
Really, you just went through with it now? 🙂 So as I see it, there is nothing problematic in the htaccess file.
[chrisbergr] Yep! My site still works and I made sure to back it up. I deleted the tables, updated wp-config, and probably the one thing that would have been a surprise - I reactivated the network activated plugins. I am going to leave that file alone. (Thank you for your feedback on it.)