#wordpress 2023-04-17

2023-04-17 UTC
[tantek], [schmarty], RasAlGhoul, RasAlGhoul_, nih, [marksuth], angelo, [chrisbergr] and [Murray] joined the channel
[dshanske] we have an issue with comment separation
I think we have to remove it from the walker and use the classic hook, we used before
you can reproduce it by using the twenty twenty theme and enable comment separation
[KevinMarks] and [TMichelleMoore] joined the channel
[pfefferle]: This is only for FSE/block themes?
Twenty twenty is classic
And it is throwing php errors
So it really breaks the site
IWSlackGateway and [tantek] joined the channel
I'll look at the problem independently..shame..that way worked so nicely
If we have to go back..so be it
[campegg] and [chrisbergr] joined the channel
What does the php error say? Does the twenty twenty theme something special with the comments or is it likely that all classic themes will have this problem?
[chrisbergr]: I checked with several themes... that's why I want to explore before giving up
Even if I have to add multiple hooking methods
[chrisbergr]: You saw how it works?
Oh I'm deep into client work right now. Understand and integrate payment provider api...
I just wanted to know if it's a specific problem with twenty-twenty or in general. There must be a reason for the error...
I can't set up a test setup right now...
Neither can I, at the airport
Not going anywhere, here all week
I hope you don't have to sleep on the chair rows in the waiting area
[pfefferle] joined the channel
[dshanske] I have done a PR for the "old" way, if there is no other way: https://github.com/pfefferle/wordpress-webmention/pull/387
and it was not only one person having issues
[preview] [pfefferle] #387 fix comment separation
[dave], RasAlGhoul, [KevinMarks] and [snarfed] joined the channel
[pfefferle]: I saw, just wanted to research before we gave up
[chrisbergr]: I'm in a conference room
I guess that shouldn't work anymore after the recent change, now we have various comment types.
fef and [aciccarello] joined the channel
we shouldn't have done the 5.1.0 thing
this is again a way to big release
release fast, release often!
[pfefferle] 5.1.0 will have fixes that make migrating from 4.x better though, right? should I ideally still wait until 5.1.0 before upgrading?
you haven't upgraded yet?
yes, then wait until 5.1.0
So, added a lot of PRs and comments to existing PRs
gRegor, [schmarty] and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
[pfefferle]: You want to take things out of scope?
I thought it would be only bug fixes and some features we removed.
[TMichelleMoore] joined the channel
[chrisbergr] I did my Webmention testing. I think what you are talking about above is above the average userโ€™s usage. But can you tell me what some of your Webmention issues are. I just want to comprehend. ๐Ÿ™‚
[TMichelleMoore] Who said I have issues? ๐Ÿ™‚ Well, seriously: I recently took my old website offline and didn't "officially" publish the new one, it also says no-index for google. As a result, I don't have any interactions right now except for Swarm... And for that, everything works.
But all tests, whether on my website or on various test sites, worked great.
[chrisbergr] I totally misinterpreted the beginning of this comment. Lol I think you are really making suggestions and not stating issues. I just wanted to see if there were any other tests that would be appropriate. Thank you!
[TMichelleMoore]: We merged a fix for the CPT webmention sending problem
[TMichelleMoore] Oh, that discussion from your screenshot was a personal request. I'd like to display "2 replies, 3 likes, 1 bookmark" on my articles instead of "6 comments"... I then simply wrote a function in my (huge) custom utility plugin
@gwg Hey! I will try it out! Thank you!
[TMichelleMoore]: It isn't in the version in the wordpress.org repo, but it is in GitHub.
[chrisbergr] Got it! I donโ€™t need anything that complicated. Lol
I've done some "real" end to end communication tests with my unused domains podcastgesicht.de, hoboro.de and ambersaunders.de using the sempress theme. Now I'm using the last one to build my own comment blocks supporting webmentions seperated comment lists in fse (twenty twenty three)
@gwg Ok I will wait. My next test will be Syndication-Links. I will be asking some clarifying questions before that though. You know I have confusion over a Webmention vs checking the box on the interface. ๐Ÿ™‚
I have to take Twitter out of the plugin
[chrisbergr] I want to revisit the topic of the h-entry I added into my child theme. Not today. But if I didnโ€™t know to add that, thanks to you, and didnโ€™t know I even needed to add the classes, would the Webmention work? I think I need to test that. (Well this goes back to the questions I have for @gwg.)
The new version of Webmention will try to fall back on other things it you don't mark up your content
But it works better if you do
If the sender provides the in-reply-to properly, the webmention should work - kind of.. But if the other one uses e.g. a WordPress site with Post Kinds, your site could not be parsed, and so the other ones post my look not the way they hoped for.
Are you talking about sending Webmentions to other sites from your posts or vice versa?
@gwg Sending a Webmention to another website and also using Brid.gy to send to Mastodon.
[chrisbergr]: The new dev version which will come out eventually will reclassify any mention that has less than 300 characters as a comment and show the full one
[TMichelleMoore]: Bridgy Fed or Bridgy Publish with Mastodon?
@gwg Bridgy Publish with Mastodon.
Okay, that doesn't require Webmention if you use a token.
@GWG yes, I noticed the ongoing discussion. I meant, the other person won't get the Author info, publish date, content etc on their post.
[TMichelleMoore] oh, that is a complete different topic ๐Ÿ˜„
[chrisbergr]: Post Kinds and now Webmwn will fall back to using meta tags or jsonld, which might have that stuff, but correct.
@GWG that info about post kinds is news for me ๐Ÿ™‚ Do I get it right, Post Kinds will use jsonld if no mf2 data is set?
@gwg That might be where I need the explanation! I think I need a chart! Lol Are you saying this: 1- If you have the token, you check the box, and your post will be published on Mastodon. 2- If you donโ€™t have the token, you should have the h-entry and e-content microformats and the post will be published without checking the publish using Bridgy to Mastodon box and this option is considered a โ€œwebmention.โ€
I added a simplified version into Webmentions, but Parse This tries to convert json-ld to Microformats
[TMichelleMoore]: The Webmention version is disabled by default. It sends a Webmention to Bridgy to tell it to look at your site and publish a copy
[chrisbergr] When a person is confused, they may be on two topics at the same time when they think they are talking about one topic. ๐Ÿ™‚
[preview] [dshanske] parse-this: Parse This Parsing Library for WordPress- Can Act as a Standalone Plugin
[chrisbergr]: Json-ld doesn't have the fidelity of mf2
Oh, I never use parse this...
Parse This is the parsing library I built for Post Kinds
So it is what it uses
It also powers yarns
@gwg Are you saying that I am using the token version? (WordPress 6.2 block editor, no Post Kinds, default theme 2023)
Sorry, there was this bookmarklet to post.... I must have confused this with Parse This
[TMichelleMoore]: No, I was telling [chrisbergr] about something else
[chrisbergr]: That's Press This... I started as a replacement for that
Ahh of course.. Sorry for the confusing conversation ๐Ÿ™‚
[TMichelleMoore]: I added support for connecting directly to Bridgy Publish with a token and [snarfed] suggested this was confusing so I hid the Webmention version behind a setting
@gwg I know this is simpler than I am making it. I will write it down and ask the question based on your info above.
Sometimes I make things more confusing when trying for the opposite
I just tested Post Kinds -> Bookmark with a news page. I received almost every Information in the response properties exept the author information. That is great, such an improvement. In the past I had to copy and paste all the informations manually for my bookmarks on non indieweb pages ๐Ÿ™‚
Thank you GWG++
GWG has 23 karma in this channel over the last year (60 in all channels)
Yes thank you GWG++
GWG has 24 karma in this channel over the last year (61 in all channels)
[chrisbergr]: Open an issue with the link and maybe I can find the author for future
First I have to test some more pages. It seems the random page I used doesnt provide any author information exept the facebook page in facebook share metadata (open graph?)
@GWG What do you think about a fallback for missing author information using the tld as name, the url of the frontpage as author url and the favicon as author image?
[chrisbergr]: Thought of that