#wordpress 2023-04-25

2023-04-25 UTC
[tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
Hello [Tim_Nolte] ! I am looking forward to your implementation. Question, would it also work with BridgyFed?
[TMichelleMoore] specifically what aspect of BridgyFed? Off the top of my head if the plugin was installed and you used BridgyFed to connect to your site through say the Mastodon API then I would say yes.
It sounds like [Tim_Nolte] is focusing on getting Mastodon client apps to talk _to his web site_, which is orthogonal to (ie complements) getting his web site to talk to the fediverse, eg with the AP plugin or BF
[schmarty] joined the channel
[Tim_Nolte] there is already a plugin that works nicely with the activitypub plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins/enable-mastodon-apps/
Why not contribute to all of the plugins already existing?
[preview] Description Despite Mastodon implying that you would use this plugin for engaging on Mastodon (when you have enabled it for that, see below), the plugin is useful when installed on a plain WordPress. When you use a Mastodon app, you’ll enter your ...
angelo, [aciccarello], Loqi__, [schmarty], gRegor and [Murray] joined the channel
[pfefferle] so for starters I will never use the Friends plugin due to it's creation of actual WordPress users on my site. The fact that this new plugin is to a degree being promoted and integrated with Friends means I also can't really support that plugin. Personally I'm also a bit frustrated because I have been talking about doing this for months and someone else "beat me to it" apparently. The Enable Mastodon Apps plugin
is inherently going to promote Friends and I highly doubt there is going to be an aspect where it's going to be open to an alternative that competes with Friends.
One additional aspect is that the Friends plugin existed well before it had anything to do with the Fediverse and ActivityPub, which I feel it means that those new features are bolt-ons, meaning the plugin core wasn't written from the perspective of the wider Fediverse. The plugin I intend to write will first and foremost be about a Fediverse/ActivityPub first experience. Additionally, since I run my own WordPress MultiSite
and also don't use an Admin user for everything on my site, those are aspects that will be a priority for support which most of the existing plugins have general problems with as they make the bad habit of assuming everyone logs in as an Admin.
[jacky] joined the channel
In the end if I'm the only one that uses my plugins because I don't have the backing of Automattic, or some other big name plugin producer, so be it. 🤷
fef joined the channel
[Tim_Nolte] I totally understand that and I do not want to stop you doing it! I think competition is always a good thing 🙂
What I just wanted to say, please be open if you have some feature requests and feel free to file pull requests to the ActivityPub plugin
regarding the friends plugin: I am in contact with Alex (the author of the friends plugin) for quite some time and liked the idea of a collaboration, because he already implemented all the following stuff and I started with the focus on publishing
I understand that there might be different feelings about requiring/promoting other plugins to have the full flavour of ActivityPub, but it is a working solution that otherwise may last some month/years, to be fully supported by the ActivityPub plugin
regarding the Enable Mastodon Apps: I think it will work without having the friends plugin installed. that does not make too many sense, because you only see your own posts, but you will be able to publish posts
and maybe you can hook into it to show posts from others when you have a following thing ready!
I am also sure, that Alex is fine with "competition", because he once planned to have the plugin as a friends extension and was super fine to do it as a general plugin instead, to better support ActivityPub.
But to say it again, I am curious about your plans and I hope I can get… let’s say inspirations 😉
[timothy_chambe] joined the channel
[pfefferle] yeah, once I start building my plugin I will definitely start to collab more on the ActivityPub plugin, I'm really not wanting to reinvent the wheel on that aspect. The only exception would be if for some reason I were to decide to leverage a Composer package to support ActivityPub rather than the plugin, though that hasn't been my plan.
gRegor joined the channel
I also thought about using an activitypub framework, but the problem is not the activity parsing but the integration into WordPress and the persistence
So a Lob does not really help
I meant „lib“
And most libs require a very high php Version
And have a lot of dependencies (http-libs, logging libs, …)
Settling in early tonight...some bugs to fix
RasAlGhoul and RasAlGhoul_ joined the channel