#wordpress 2023-04-30

2023-04-30 UTC
IWSlackGateway, doug_c_im, gRegor, fef, [marksuth], sebbu2, [jeremycherfas], sandworm7145, [schmarty], Loqi, [BinaryDigit], jeremycherfas, [Jo], [snarfed] and [chrisbergr] joined the channel
Hey @GWG, I'm facing issues with the simple location page for map by year (2023/map). Unfortunately I can't get the debug.log to run, no idea what's going on there. In the source code I see '<img class="archive-map sloc-map" src="<https://christian-hockenberger.com/2023/map/%3C!DOCTYPE%20html%3E%3Chtml%20lang=|<!DOCTYPE html>>' followed by the source code for 'There has been a critical error on this website.' Error page.
On my localhost I get the following in my debug.log: [30-Apr-2023 _20:02:29_ UTC] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class "WP_Geo_Data" not found in C:\sites\localhost\chobz\wp-content\plugins\simple-location\includes\map\class-map-provider-geoapify.php:89
But as I said, unfortunately I can't guarantee that it's the same problem as on the server. Do you have any ideas/suggestion for me?
[chrisbergr]: I thought I checked all the map providers when I changed the structure.
[chrisbergr]: I see the problem. I'd better check them all.
Give me a few.
WP_Geo_Data was split into 2 classes in version 5
Cool, thank you
Only the Bing and the Geoapify were affected.
Pushed to Github
I guess I bet on the wrong horse πŸ™‚
Thank you, I'll geht the file from there πŸ™‚
[chrisbergr]: It is just the class-map-provider-geoapify. I'll release in the next version, but make sure it works
[chrisbergr]: Anything else about the plugin? Because I did have plans to redo the fallback system
Now I get [30-Apr-2023 _20:45:49_ UTC] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method Geo_Data::bounding_box()
Let me see where I put bounding_box
There it is, I went global
Pushed a replacement
Yes, now it works again πŸ™‚ Thank you for this super fast solution! GWG++
GWG has 25 karma in this channel over the last year (62 in all channels)
[chrisbergr]: So, what other issues do you have? I just pushed a bunch of PHP8 related things to it
Otherwise I have no problems with the plugin, everything runs great. I currently have problems with ownyourswarm, but I don't think it's because of Simple location. I need to get the debug running again, then I'll know more.
[chrisbergr]: I keep tweaking the plugin for my own need, and to stay ahead of API issues. That's why I wrote so many providers...things keep breaking without me doing anything.
MapQuest is malfunctioning agian
[TMichelleMoore] joined the channel
Nice headshot [chrisbergr]! I have not used the simple location plugin. I will have to try it.
In fact, I use location data only for checkins, all other posts are always without.
I need to post some pictures
GWG: It's great to have so many providers. On one hand there is always the possibility for a fallback. On the other hand you don't need to open a new account on a new provider if you have already one by one of those providers
@gwg I will add that to my tests and try it. Syndication-Links next.
[chrisbergr]: I put in a weather fallback mostly becauseI wanted to have a local provider and a remote one. I considered self-hosting a reverse geocoder for just my home region, but I'd need a fallback for other regions.
[TMichelleMoore] A complete test of simple location will be extreme! So many 3rd party sites that you would have to deal with.
But it would certainly be very helpful for GWG
[chrisbergr]: I test it every few months. I applied for test credentials for everything.
[chrisbergr] OK, then I will have to keep it simple and maybe use one or two sites. I don’t know how to use it yet, so I will do what I have been doing: document the features listed on the plugin page, run through the settings, try to set it up for one or two, and figure out the test/feature. With your warning, I know that there might be some, β€œDidn’t test” in there.
I just looked at the code to determine region, so I can limit providers to certain regions, and realized it only goes by country, no smaller. Maybe I need subregion.
[TMichelleMoore] I am curious about your results πŸ™‚
Simple Location is a labor of love..it is the geekiest plugin I wrote.
@GWG I have seen that you also save the generated images of the map provider. But this is not a basic feature of the plugin, is it?
In fact, it is really geeky πŸ˜„
[chrisbergr] What 3rd party do you use? And did you have to get some kind of key or something to use it?
I guess tey all require api keys. I'm using Geoapify, for me personally this was the easiest to set up
And there are many nice map styles, even if I use a very boring one right now
[chrisbergr] OK. This really should have been the first plugin that I tried because my photos are really location based. This seems likes its going to be the hardest one.
[chrisbergr]: I don't. I generate them.
[preview] [dshanske] Static-Maps-API-PHP: A PHP app that renders static maps from tile hosting services
I took over this project from aaronpk, who folded the original into Atlas
Oohh wow that's awesome! I think after my current client project I will also put a little effort into this, with that great blueprint.
@gwg I am definitely going to have questions. :-) Hope you are enjoying your trip!
I do a lot of location work when I travel
Because that's when I use the code
Do you also add location data to your media?
[chrisbergr]: I do. It is built in
[chrisbergr]: That's the location taxonomy. I'm guessing you have none. It should be created on a reverse geo lookup
That new content type "venue" in my admin bar?
[chrisbergr]: Venue is a content type for venues. Location is a taxonomy for locality, region, and country.
Right now, they are auto-created by Own Your Swarm, but they can be created locally. I started a venue provider system
tbh I don't know the difference between venue and location. The dictionary provides me the same list of translations for both...
[chrisbergr]: Wiki
What is a venue?
πŸ“ A venue is a named location or address/geo that is typically used for checkins https://indieweb.org/venue
[chrisbergr]: A venue is a specific location
So, a URL on your site to represent the location
Like that
The location taxonomy is so I can show all the posts I did in an area
Ah, slowly it starts to make sense for me πŸ™‚ As far as I remember does google name it just "place"
@gwg Is the venue similar to a WordPress category/tag?
You never left Berlin when you were in Germany?
[TMichelleMoore]: No, it is a CPT. Location is a taxonomy..so like a category
[chrisbergr]: I was there thrice for IWC
I so regret not running POSSE or at least PESOS back in the days of Gowalla. So many checkins lost forever. So sad.
But that does not belong here in this channel
We need another IWC for me to come to
If another IWC takes place in Berlin, I will be present.
[aciccarello] joined the channel
[chrisbergr]: With this system, while I'm using own your swarm as a data source..it is all local.
I normally use the Swarm app on my iPhone for checkins, and always upload pictures to it. Thanks to ownyourswarm, a checkin is created directly on my page, which I delete again to manually trigger the synchonisation, so that the images come with it.
But recently only one picture comes across and the comments are missing as well as that it is no longer a post kind checkin.
[chrisbergr]: And this will create a linked local venue url from the checkin
This is strange, but I still do not know why
The pictures should attach as a post update
That never worked for me automatically.
[chrisbergr]: Then we should fix that
First, the problem must be identified. This is actually very difficult for me.
[chrisbergr]: Sometimes me too. Too many moving parts.
I have a suspicion that it's polylang. As long as there is no pll lang meta, the post is not displayed in the feed. Maybe I can just always automatically put en.
[preview] [chrisbergr] #353 Error with ownyourswarm's Import Past Checkin
Isn't that a Simple Location bug, a Micropub bug, and a Indieweb Post Kinds bug?
The unknown cap is strange, those are all built-in caps.
It looks like that my micropub endpoint also returns an error code, so ownyourswarm now says: "Your account is disabled - Your Micropub endpoint returned an error too many times in a row".
The ExifVersion is strange, unless someone is stripping those, but I should check for its existence.
I use Own Your Swarm...so I'm wondering that the difference is. But I'll add some error checks
I use Smush pro to strip exif data from my images. Until I updated about 2 weeks ago from below 5.0 to most recent version of simple location, this was never a problem.
[chrisbergr]: I rewrote the code because of other errors, so I need it to check to ensure there is Exif data before trying to use it
That sounds reasonable. Is the missing exif data also the reason for the following fatal error?
Similar failure to check for a null value.
Exif issue pushed to Simple Location file class-sloc-media-metadata
Checking for an empty media metadata array in Indieweb Post Kinds pushed as well.