#wordpress 2023-05-23
2023-05-23 UTC
antranigv joined the channel
GregLopez[m] Okay, so I've tested this on 4 different browsers, but I have no way to insert the Micropub token for GitHub on the providers settings screen of the Syndication Links plugin. If the text box does exist, then it is done in a way that my screen reader can't identify, and therefore it is invisible to me.

GregLopez[m] GwG, no clue. You say there's supposed to be a text box there, and my screen reader only reports the checkboxes for each provider, the checkbox for indicating uif excerpts should be used and the combo box for the options when a post is too long for a provider..

GregLopez[m] sorry for the typo

GregLopez[m] when I do that, nothing happens. That has been the case both with PHP 7.4 and PHP 8.2, if that helps in any way

[jacky] joined the channel
GregLopez[m] Let me see if Microsoft Narrator tells me something different, as I use Non-Visual Desktop Access as my screen reader, just to see if anything's different before you go spellunking through your code.

antranigv joined the channel
GregLopez[m] Actually, the two checkboxes that represent the settings for enabling syndication and if syndication runs in the background don't have labels like the syndication providers do, at least not according to Narrator or NVDA. I do apologize for being fussy about this, but the UX for a screen reader user is just as important as it is for someone using their own eyess

GregLopez[m] chuckles sounds like you need an accessibility tester. I'm willing to help out a bit to improve the user experience.

RasAlGhoul joined the channel
KMF joined the channel
GregLopez[m] GwG, unfortunately it did not fix my issue. To test it, I checked some of the other boxes and hit the save button. Micro.blog and Pinboard have options that show up, but not GitHub, Flickr and Mastodon via Bridgy.

GregLopez[m] I did, and even checked the debug log, although there was no references to the Syndication Links plugin there was this repeated quite a bit... [23-May-2023 02:22:26 UTC] PHP Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Post_Kind::$description-url is deprecated in /var/www/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/indieweb-post-kinds/includes/class-post-kind.php on line 42

GregLopez[m] I'm wondering if PHP 8.2 might be the problem, but I was having the same issue while using PHP 7.4 so I suspect not

GregLopez[m] shrugs I have no clue what's going on with this then, but I also noticed that Bridgy kept losing connectivity to my GitHub account. I had to reconnect it to attempt to get the token, but in the end had no place to put said token.

GregLopez[m] I'll need to put a pin in this issue, as I'm tired and having trouble keeping my eyes open..

RasAlGhoul_, [kimberlyhirsh], angelo, [chrisbergr], sebbu2, IWSlackGateway, gRegor, greglopez, RasAlGhoul__, [tantek], Loqi__, [schmarty], gregsplace, [KevinMarks] and [benatwork] joined the channel; gregsplace left the channel