GWGI also added in some of the code to reclassify API keys as passwords that I used in Simple Location, but still trying to figure out why you can't see it.
greglopezUnfortunately, can't think of a good source to cite, but the two checkboxes at the top of the providers page have a label of sorts, but they are not automatically read by NVDA when in focus mode. When focus mode is deactived, then you can use the arrow keys and hear the labels associated with tthe checkboxes in question. As for the snafu with the token entry boxes, I'm not sure where to help.
GWGThe odd thing about the top labels is that I'm using WordPress's automatic label generation. You'd think they'd get it right. I was missing it on a few, and noticed I did it differently in Simple Location, so migrated that code over
GWGThe token fields are only supposed to appear if activated. On my test site, they do, on my production site they don't. So that suggests a difference that is not apparent.