#greglopezcorrection, GwG I meant there... apologies for the typo
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#GWGgreglopez: Will explore..do you have the error message?
#greglopezAll it indicated was that a critical error occured. Let me switch back to the IW26 theme so you can see it for yourself on my site... give me a moment
#greglopezThe odd thing is that the widgets appear normally on the home page, but not on a post's page
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#greglopezGwG, some additional info for your edification... It seems that pages have no issue displaying the widgets, but posts do. To contrast, the post I linked above is the example of the issue while https://gregsplace.net/contact/ is how a page with the widgets functioning properly looks on my site.
#GWGgreglopez: Did you get an email about the error? Sometimes it has an error message?
#GWGLogs may also have it... need something to figure out the tripped rule I'll look regardless, but narrows it down
#GWGgreglopez: I'm running the same theme, and don't get a critical error. Maybe something in PHP8.2 vs 8.1. Either way, will do some checks, but not sure how to track it down.
#GWGHopefully you like the theme though, despite this
#greglopezI'm using PHP 8.1 since that's what Debian on Google Cloud uses
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#GWGgreglopez: If not for this, would you use the theme?
#greglopezGwG, Hmm, that's odd then... I wonder what's different about your setup compared to mine
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#greglopezGwG, seems the issue disappeared when I removed the WP Super Cache plugin. It may not have been compatible with the theme, but now I have no error message at the bottom of each post and no widgets at the bottom either... maybe that's normal? Still shows for pages however.
#greglopezGwG, what's the link to your site? I just wanted to compare the look of your post pages to mine. Also curious if you are using the JetPack plugin or not. I'm only using it for sitemaps and mardown support, unless there's better options