#wordpress 2023-10-03

2023-10-03 UTC
jeremycherfas joined the channel
Okay, refreshed another plugin. Not much on the feature improvements, but wanted to do some cleanup
"tested up to" updates are valid
[tw2113]: I also bumped the minimum to PHP7.0
Got me the null coalescing operator I've wanted
i'm torn on advocating for whatever minimum version WP requires vs whatever version you're willing to cut off at for PHP version
[tw2113]: I've been going with, whenever I have a reason to add a feature that needs the new version
probably more so in existing vs new plugin. If it's been around for many years, go with the minimum version of WP that you need, supports
if it's new, have at it for PHP versions
I stayed at 5.2, then jumped to 5.3, then 5.6, now to 7
I think I'm being rather slowe
i can't disagree, i mean you're not requiring PHP8 by any means
Well, I checked for PHP8 compatibility, but that is different than requiring. I'm ruinning 8 because I discovered I needed to test, because some things that required strict typing failed when I didn't.
definitely, require !== recommend and WP core recommends higher PHP versions, but does not REQUIRE
not yet at least
Either way, I have more things I want to tweak.
I'm not sure I have that many showstopping features in most of my plugins...they are pretty developed.
I think there are still improvements that can be made
gwg_, jeremycherfas, [aciccarello]1, [campegg], [nsmsn], [snarfed], [schmarty] and [bneil] joined the channel