2023-10-06 UTC
# [snarfed] thanks! also a bit of progressive enhancement JS is totally ok if necessary
# GWG [snarfed]: This is just me experimenting...I may give up.
# GWG [snarfed]: How is everything else working out?
# GWG [snarfed]: In the plugin. Have you found anything else?
# [snarfed] oh! I haven't been looking hard, but otherwise it seems fine
[catgirlinspace] joined the channel
# GWG [snarfed]: Try that page again. I think I got you something that is a bit more in the right direction.
# GWG Needs more work, but good proof of concept to show I can style it more effectively.
# [snarfed] I may still prefer ellipsis, but otherwise it looks great
# GWG [snarfed]: I think I can refine it more. But it proves I could do anything. Also, CSS is easy to override
IWSlackGateway, [snarfed], [tantek], [catgirlinspace], [capjamesg], [KevinMarks], [timothy_chambe], [aciccarello], angelo and tabi joined the channel