#wordpress 2023-10-27

2023-10-27 UTC
doug_c_im joined the channel
yes, there is something broken with the header detection... maybe we have to switch from http header to html header
[tantek] and doug_c_im joined the channel
and sorry for not reviewing the PRs, but that issues blocked my brain in some weird way ^^
Staffan joined the channel
and we should add a unit test, that we see if it breaks (again)
[KevinMarks] and doug_c_im joined the channel
[pfefferle]: With the header, maybe the way Webmention does it's headers.... namely looks for both
I'm not in Germany, so I can put some time in
doug_c_im, [Jo], [schmarty], [jacky], barnaby, irl25519, [snarfed], jeremy and [sebsel] joined the channel