#wordpress 2023-10-29

2023-10-29 UTC
doug_c_im, IWSlackGateway, [tantek], bjoern, Sophie, [calumryan], jkphl, Sonja, [jeremycherfas], dervondenbergen, [sebsel] and [bjoern] joined the channel
GWG you up? Got a question about how to make an avatar show up in the ActivityPub plugin (so it sends it to AP / Mastodon followers when you post)
tom joined the channel
hi, I now have my site "on the fediverse" via the AP plugin. Everything works as far as I can tell, a newly published post showed up, updates to the post are also directly shown. The only thing that's missing: there's only a generic "WordPress" avatar showing. I used fed.brid.gy before the AP pluign and there "my" avatar showed.
@blog@webrocker.de is the via AP plugin instance; @webrocker.de@webrocker.de is the one via fed.brid.gy. Since I don't use the author profiles because I want all posts published, where should the avatar-image be set and how? thanks :-)
I'm not really aggressively using the plugin so I'd have to check
doug_c_im and tom joined the channel
/nick Tom
That says that the avatar is the site icon or custom logo, usually set in the Appearance tab
yes. since I run my own theme I never touched the customizer, lets see how this goes. thank you :-)
tom joined the channel
(sorry by the way I don't know why sometimes I am "guest..." instead of tom here)
Using the web chat?
tom joined the channel
yes, the web chat. am signed in on indieweb.org
doug_c_im, IWSlackGateway, [tantek], [KevinMarks] and [calumryan] joined the channel
I think it may be refreshing you
Maybe a different chat system? We have several
doug_c_im, neceve, [jacky], doug_c_i1, angelo and mustastum joined the channel