#wordpress 2023-11-15

2023-11-15 UTC
gRegor, [jeremycherfas], IWSlackGateway, [Murray], [KevinMarks], wagle, [benatwork], [tantek], [jacky], [schmarty], [aciccarello], [marksuth] and [nsmsn] joined the channel
Haven't listed to the full episode yet, but found another good interview with [pfefferle] from the WP dashboard this morning: https://wptavern.com/podcast/99-matthias-pfefferle-on-activitypub-wordpress-and-decentralised-social-networks
Huffduffed and tagged #indieweb so it can be in the newsletter this week. https://huffduffer.com/nsmsn/680533
[pfefferle], despite having worked on Indieweb plugins with him for almost a decade, and I have never met in person
[bjoern], gRegorLove_ and [snarfed] joined the channel
the future is now
[chrisaldrich] and [nsmsn] joined the channel
Decided to publish a "plugin inventory" after being on WordPress for several weeks: https://nicksimson.com/posts/plugin-inventory-2023/
[nsmsn]: This is an awesome way to do a colophon too