#wordpress 2023-11-22

2023-11-22 UTC
[tantek], angelo, [sebsel], carbis, [KevinMarks], gRegorLove_, jeremy, [marksuth], [jacky] and [Joe_Crawford] joined the channel
I need help with a low level WordPress problem. I'm at a loss of who to bounce ideas regarding user access control for posts of private visibility(as defined by WordPress) that extends it beyond just admins/editors.
carbis joined the channel
I need a design that if the plugin is disabled it just reverts to only visible by admins... namely default behavior
[tw2113]: Any ideas?
[tw2113] joined the channel
So if the plugin is active, private posts of some sort are made publicly readable to everyone, and once it gets deactivated, they revert back to private and only available to admins/editors?
[tw2113]: No, if the plugin is activated they are only readable by one or more users and which might vary by post
Think use case... I'm writing a personal post, and I only want it to appear in the feed of authenticated users.
I’m assuming higher than just password protected content
the feed detail is an interesting detail
i know patreon has private feeds, and i’ve always been passively curious how they did those
[tw2113]: The authentication would be an IndieAuth token
I think it might need a custom SQL query
and should i assume not just RSS based, just me visiting the site and authenticating somehow with the token
carbis joined the channel