#wordpress 2023-11-30

2023-11-30 UTC
[jgarber], [jamietanna], Guest6, [tantek], [snarfed], [pfefferle] and sebbu2 joined the channel
Anyone available to review PRs? I hate to bother pfefferle with all of them.
And the community could always use new contributors.
I have not worked with IndieAuth for quite some time, so I may be not the perfect one to review the code
I could check if it works and if the code „looks“ good, but not if it is implementing the spec properly
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[pfefferle]: I hate to put the pressure on you all the time.
[pfefferle]: Either way, I hope we get more contributors.
I'll see what I can figure out regardless.
GWG another alternative is to relax your review req't for some plugins
[snarfed]: I'm thinking of that
I wish we had a test suite.
testing has 3 karma in this channel over the last year (4 in all channels)
never too late
[snarfed]: For IndieAuth in general
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
There are 500+ users of the IndieAuth plugin. I wonder if anyone would install a dev version and test.
[TMichelleMoore] joined the channel
@gwg I can test the IndieAuth plugin. Need guidance on what you would want me to do. I think I might have done that before though. I haven’t disappeared. Just a lurker now due to a very detail oriented customer. 😊 I can do it over this weekend.
[TMichelleMoore]: It is test a dev version to see if anything doesn't work. It should
I'm turning off mandatory reviews and I'm going to look for a different approach for now though