#wordpress 2024-01-08

2024-01-08 UTC
gRegor, to2ds, [tantek], [fluffy], antranigv and [pfefferle] joined the channel
[snarfed] does http://fed.brid.gy support an outbox? Mammoth 2 (the mastodon app) uses the outbox to crawl posts for their curated lists... and I added a lot of http://brid.gy enabled sites to that list (and they seem to have issues)...
petermolnar and [manton] joined the channel; caleb left the channel
[pfefferle] yup, BF serves outboxes. happy to look more if you think anything specific isn't working
thanks [snarfed] I also found it in the meantime!
to2ds joined the channel
Hello, [snarfed] and [pfefferle]. Always nice to see you
hi GWG!
lazcorp, to2ds and [Murray] joined the channel
[snarfed]: Had to pause Micropub and such due to some outside matters, but got consensus on the solution so need to finish the PR
lazcorp, [Joe_Crawford], gRegor, [nsmsn], [schmarty] and [aciccarello] joined the channel