#wordpress 2024-02-10

2024-02-10 UTC
[Joe_Crawford], [jeremycherfas], gRegor, gRegorLove_ and IndieWP joined the channel
Anouncing IndieWP.com - WordPress in 5 minutes for Indie creators.
petermolnar, [m], Guest6 and [snarfed] joined the channel
IndieWP: fun! is there anything IndieWeb specific? do you bundle any of the indieweb plugins or themes, or support them, or...?
gRegor and [aciccarello] joined the channel
I asked specifically. They replied: IndieWP focuses on providing a cost effective managed WordPress hosting solution in the easiest way possible for Indie creators looking for a frictionless setup of their site.
As such we provision a fresh instance of the latest WordPress version without any additional plugins or out-of-the-boz support for Webmentions or syndication.
A site owner is of course free to install any plugins that are useful to them.
So, kinda egregious use of the term Indie in this context, but …
looks like they're just using "indie", not "indieweb"
indie is pretty generic
gRegor and [tantek] joined the channel