#wordpress 2024-03-03

2024-03-03 UTC
[snarfed], [Joe_Crawford], angelo_, [jeremycherfas], gRegor and Guest6 joined the channel
I was looking through my theme code and found I am including the code mentioned here: https://indieweb.org/WordPress_Webmention_Plugin#Automatically_approving -- is this still necessary code for the current versions of the Webmentions plugin? The current settings page has a field for "Automatically approve Webmention from these domains" -- if so does this wiki section need a caveat that it's only necessary for certain versions?
I can't remember what we did
I really want to revisit that code
Cool. I'm not going to remove it but when it comes time to revisit loop me in?
I have some ideas about a better system
[Tilley], gRegor, angelo and to2ds joined the channel