Loqi[preview] [Nick Simson] troubleshooting
I’m a bit puzzled why my profile image doesn’t always show up when I leave a comment on another website. I’ve noticed this a lot lately with other WordPress sites…I have a WP site, plus a Gravatar, and a microformats (IndieWe...
mitchsucksatgame, Loqi and [contact898] joined the channel
[contact898]and webmentions show my homepage as the link instead of the specific blog post (and same for many websites that mention me, I should check if they're all WordPress, I don't think so)
[lcs]Same here. I'm using the IndieBlocks webmention functionality. Whenever I've sent a webmention, it's avatarless. Tried looking to find out where the avatar is supposed to come from, but I couldn't find out so I gave up.
[lcs]I'm starting to get real annoyed with Cloudways cache stuff. Several times now front end not updating to show latest posts, even a day after posting 😡
[Murray], [KevinMarks], [tantek], [Tilley], [snarfed], [aciccarello], IWSlackGateway, [qubyte], [capjamesg], [Ros], [contact898], [schmarty], Guest6_, mitchsucksatgame, gRegor, [Ana_R], [Paul_Robert_Ll], [Scout], [lcs], synth, Guest6 and [dominik] joined the channel
nsmsnhey [lcs] I followed up on my issue in the #indieweb-dev channel today. If you are using a post author block in your single item template, IndieBlocks will wrap a h-card microformats class around the author info. I added the avatar option, but am visually hiding it on my website with CSS.
nsmsnI dropped my h-card into my website footer so it appears on (nearly) every page. Because of this, and the way IndieBlocks works, I may drop the author block in the post entry altogether so I don't have more than one h-card.
[snarfed], [capjamesg], [Joao_Paulo_Pes], [KevinMarks], to2ds and alezz joined the channel