#wordpress 2024-04-22

2024-04-22 UTC
[dmitshur], [Joe_Crawford], [marksuth], [KevinMarks], [Scout], [jacky], [contact898], [naturestudy] and [asuh] joined the channel
I assume Micropub should be valid for the latest releases of WordPress. However, looking at the plugin page, I”m seeing the note at the top of the page stating that it hasn’t been tested in a while. I get why they put those messages, but this makes the plugin look questionable.
I'll take care of it
gRegor joined the channel
Hey everyone. I feel compelled to show someone the updates I made to my "Blog" page on my WordPress website over the posts. I feel quite pleased with how it turned out! My goal was legibility and usability as that is something I strive for when doing web design / development -- I like to make things as easy to use as possible. I hope I achieved that and welcome any input or suggestions!
[edit] Hey everyone. I feel compelled to show someone the updates I made to my "Blog" page on my WordPress website over the posts. I feel quite pleased with how it turned out! My goal was legibility and usability as that is something I strive for when doing web design / development -- I like to make things as easy to use as possible. I hope I achieved that and welcome any input or suggestions!
[Ros] joined the channel
very cool Alex. I really dig the https://alxwntr.com/lo-bit-drawing-on-a-macintosh/ entry. I see you got the rel=me tag going - which is great! If you're interested to do more IndieWeb connectivity check out https://indiewebify.me/ which will validate h-card and h-entry data if you're interested. Welcome!
[Joe_Crawford]: Thanks! And yes, I am interested. I've seen you all talk about the h-card stuff a bit but I admit I haven't made time to look into it yet. This is a good starting point!
[Scout], [Joe_Crawford], [tantek], [contact898], [Ros], [naturestudy], [KevinMarks], [dmitshur], [jacky], [marksuth] and [jacky]1 joined the channel