#wordpress 2024-05-22

2024-05-22 UTC
Loqi, reillypascal, _dissolve22[d], pmlnr, chee1, [benatwork], [Jo], petermolnar, [jgarber], gRegor and [contact898] joined the channel
Messed around and made myself a plugin to help me make it easy for me to create 600x600 featured thumbnails for categories and tags. https://github.com/artlung/aggregate-thumbnail-images/ - very satisfying to automate this
Sounds good
[dominik], [Joschi_Kuphal], [snarfed] and [Ros] joined the channel
hey all, please correct me if I'm wrong, but my site should have a media endpoint if I've installed the micropub plugin, right?
Can someone point me to what I've done wrong?
I was trying to use Quill with my wordpress site, but it says it can't locate a media endpoint, and when I test it with micropub.rocks it also says I don't have a media endpoint for my site.
vishae: jgmac1106 left you a message on 2018-08-07 at 11:36am UTC: Independent Publisher needs a community stewart, there are a number of issues, missing hcards, incorrect markup in different post types, happy to help work on the fixes…seems to be a popular, but broken choice
vishae: jgmac1106 left you a message on 2018-08-07 at 11:36am UTC: Independent Publisher needs a community stewart, there are a number of issues, missing hcards, incorrect markup in different post types, happy to help work on the fixes…seems to be a popular, but broken choice
vishae: jgmac1106 left you a message on 2018-08-07 at 11:36am UTC: Independent Publisher needs a community stewart, there are a number of issues, missing hcards, incorrect markup in different post types, happy to help work on the fixes…seems to be a popular, but broken choice
vishae: jgmac1106 left you a message on 2018-08-07 at 11:36am UTC: Independent Publisher needs a community stewart, there are a number of issues, missing hcards, incorrect markup in different post types, happy to help work on the fixes…seems to be a popular, but broken choice
vishae - https://www.sleepyowl.ink/wp-json/ is there and there's a metatag pointing to it. Is that what Quill relies on?
petermolnar, [Joe_Crawford] and [tantek] joined the channel