#wordpress 2024-06-14

2024-06-14 UTC
sebbu, Johan, NickoNamo, [dshanske], [manton], whitesided and Samlin joined the channel
[snarfed]: Did you catch the Micropub release?
[develumpen] and [Murray] joined the channel
GWG I saw that there was one! what are the highlights? did you all ship dynamic rendering?!?
gRegor joined the channel
Yes, all of that, and new icons
wow, big release! congrats!!!
I credit IWC DUS for getting new icons for plugins. I suggested it to an attendee
wait the Micropub plugin has icons? TIL 😆
Is there a way to view, in the WP edit view for a post, to view what webmentions have already been sent for a published post?
afaik no but that's a great feature request
the webmention equivalent of the synd links plugin's user-visible logs
[Joe_Crawford] file it as a feature request!
Will do!
Thanks [snarfed]++
[snarfed] has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (99 in all channels)
[preview] [artlung] #478 On the Edit page for a Post or Page, show an infobox with a list of Webmentions already sent
Also in looking around at the plugin I noted with delight there are some CLI options for the webmention plugin. Pretty cool, I hadn't thought about exposing plugin functionality via WP-CLI.
I think we can do that easily.... although we don't keep what we have in a good place right now.
Cool GWG. Ultimately the thing *works.* The mentions get sent.
I was looking around in the database in the `*meta` tables and didn't see where they were so thought I'd ask.
sisoma_new[d] and [aciccarello] joined the channel
[Joe_Crawford]: We load them into the pings field in the database. We should stop that
They do show up in the "Already pinged" section of the "Send Trackbacks" box. But they don't get distinguished that they were sent as webmentions. And I see them in `{$wpdb->prefix}posts.pinged`
That's why that needs work