#Loqi[preview] [artlung] #478 On the Edit page for a Post or Page, show an infobox with a list of Webmentions already sent
#[Joe_Crawford]Also in looking around at the plugin I noted with delight there are some CLI options for the webmention plugin. Pretty cool, I hadn't thought about exposing plugin functionality via WP-CLI.
#GWGI think we can do that easily.... although we don't keep what we have in a good place right now.
#[Joe_Crawford]Cool GWG. Ultimately the thing *works.* The mentions get sent.
#[Joe_Crawford]I was looking around in the database in the `*meta` tables and didn't see where they were so thought I'd ask.
sisoma_new[d] and [aciccarello] joined the channel
#GWG[Joe_Crawford]: We load them into the pings field in the database. We should stop that
#[Joe_Crawford]They do show up in the "Already pinged" section of the "Send Trackbacks" box. But they don't get distinguished that they were sent as webmentions. And I see them in `{$wpdb->prefix}posts.pinged`