#wordpress 2024-06-27

2024-06-27 UTC
Johan, [naturestudy] and [Jo] joined the channel
Can anyone else review a PR? Only because janboddez had a bug as a result and I want to avoid it
I can do some code review GWG
Very simple one
[preview] [dshanske] #268 Add preliminary support for json metadata client discovery
I have a few more tweaks planned, but since aaronpk 's stuff is returning JSON now..
I added some comments GWG. The one that concerns me most is the HTML5 lib you reference. Don't know enough about how common it is but seems like other libs are in the composer file.
[schmarty] and [snarfed] joined the channel
[Joe_Crawford]: Considering the specification just removed the need for HTML parsing... might not be worth it
It isn't needed because its an enhancement for the built in parser, that's why it isn't bundled
That implies to me that the HTML parser block could be removed. But anyway, I think I expressed my thoughts. I also note that there's a php code sniffer failure you could fix with some parens in the automated testing.
automated linting, but still.
Okay. I'm going to do another run, and probably remove some stuff, and janboddez had the issue that made me think I need a default if it is neither JSON nor HTML
[aciccarello] joined the channel