#GWGIssued an update to the IndieAuth plugin for WordPress. No more errors when the client_id has been updated to return JSON.
StarrWulfe, to2ds and [asuh] joined the channel
#[asuh]I might have read this somewhere here but I can’t remember that I actually have. For new “Quote” post kinds, when I syndicated to Mastodon, for example, the new Mastodon post simply says “Quoted” with a link to the short URL of my site. It seems largely useless for this to be the default syndication content, instead of the same behavior as a regular “Article” post kind, where it, where it uses either the first sentences or
#[asuh]excerpt. I never use or remember to use excerpt text. Is that something that needs a Github issue a as a feature request?
#GWG[asuh]: If it isn't rendering properly, post an issue and I'll investigate. I'd proactively, but I'm at a July 4th event and I'm afraid I'll forget