#wordpress 2024-07-16

2024-07-16 UTC
[snarfed], solislupus[d], Zegnat, gRegor, gRegorLove_, gRegorLove__, [Murray], Star and Zic joined the channel
This is my first time using this irc. Does anyone see my message?
[contact898] joined the channel
ok thank you for confirming
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
how to contact user: pfefferle?
I've a few questions about the "ActivityPub" plugin in WordPress. I've read the plugin materials and it seems to me that I see an error or misinterpret the plugin's work..
[pfefferle] joined the channel
Hey Zic, how can I help you?
1st Sorry for taking up your time
I think your ActivityPub plugin does the job
I wanted to ask a few quick questions to the Creator about how the WordPres plugin uses the ActivityPub protocol to integrate with portals like Mastodon
I understand the protocol (I know what causes delays and glitches) that aims to connect information to the owner regardless of the instance. However, the method is a mystery to me.
Featured Share on Mastodon is responsible for developing the WP <-> Mastodon post integration, but the commenting issue remains in your plugin
In WordPress I use a small number of plugins which I think is reasonable. I really like the idea of ​​ActivityPub federation (https://github.com/BasixKOR/awesome-activitypub) and this is the path I would like to follow
[preview] [BasixKOR] awesome-activitypub: Awesome list of ActivityPub based projects
StarrWulfe joined the channel
I'll skip problems with third-party plugins and focus on WordPress and your plugin (I disabled plugins responsible for filtering messages because they aren't adapted to Your plugin - ofc I will write to their authors, but activitypub can work without depending on them).
Sorry for the long intro.
I know WordPress has its own comment system, and your plugin translates messages both ways
I'll skip fact that Wordpress always places a comments from eg. Mastodon in the trash tab of the comments section (but the comment is there). Unfortunately, I can't understand how Your plugin deals with WordPress comments. In materials, e.g. on YouTube, You told that it's required to follow a channel in service based on ActivityPub
Is the difference between following and being logged in the fact that we indicate which service (mastodon) we are on (we will receive comments)?
In my opinion, mapping of comments between a service like Mastodon and comment system built in WordPress is giving me a headache. I don't see the point of giving the ability to create comments locally in WordPress if you use the ability to load comments from outside (eg. Mastodon). I understand that the comment system built into WordPress can be a hub (archive) for comments arriving via ActivityPub. This is the crux of my problem. I don't
understand whether local comments should exist after enabling your plugin or whether the fact that they don't go to Mastodon is a bug on my blog.
Hey Matthias, Could You please confirm if my messages have been received and understood?
[Joe_Crawford] joined the channel
Regarding your questions about the comments: There is no way to load the comments from an external platform, because there is no single platform to load them from. ActivityPub sends every reply as an Activity to the inbox of all followers and the receiving platform (in your case WordPress) always has to store these comments locally. This is also like Mastodon is doing it.
But the protocol does not only support create, but also update and delete, so the comments might also be deleted when the remote version is deleted.
if you do not want to receive comments, you can set the const `ACTIVITYPUB_DISABLE_INCOMING_INTERACTIONS` to true using your `wp-config.php` .
gRegor, [jacky], gRegorLove_ and Zic joined the channel
We didn't manage to meet in the chat at the same time again 🤣 Sorry, I didn't express myself precisely (I try but it isn't easy for me). Yes, I know that WordPress stores comments locally, so old comments from external platforms won't load after restarting the plugin when it was inactive (I haven't tested - I could be wrong). Let me describe again in more detail what I wanted to understand: in my prev question I wanted to discuss the
platforms. On the site where I use your plugin I exclude the creation of WordPress user accounts (there are also no other authors of posts). It's a simple website. The only way to comment was to allow guests to leave a comment (just provide an email). At this stage, the plugin only redirects guest to a platform, e.g. mastodon, where they must have an account to write a comment. To summarize (I know, I messed up): 1. I can't disable the
problem of duality of comments in WordPress (btw. I like ActivityPub and the federated network, so I would leave only comments from federated platforms and disable them from WordPress. You wrote: "ActivityPub sends every reply as an Activity to the inbox of all followers and the receiving platform", but the plugin doesn't block the possibility of commenting in the WordPress system - I can still comment on a post without sending it to other
comment, the plugin doesn't have: write a comment ActivityPub - let's assume that a guest who doesn't have an account on any of the platforms wants to leave a comment. 4. Let's assume that the guest who wants to leave a comment has an account on one of the platforms -> My site doesn't know about it. It would be nice to have an option in the form that allows you to log in (connect to your account on the platform) without redirect it to
built-in WordPress comment system, because This is like as database. - I agree to the comment database (for ActivityPub), but I do not want commenting users/guests of WordPress, but only those who follow/have accounts on the platform. 2. The plugin doesn't include its own shortcut code for ActivityPub comments (offering separation of the WordPress form from the form for accounts belonging to the federation platforms). 3. When creating a
outside platform. Please understand and I apologize for wanting to cut myself off from the built-in comment system in WordPress as much as possible.
If you want to disable local comments, you can do that in the classic WordPress settings on the "Discussion" page.
If you let them enabled, it is like the following: Users can comment locally using the form and remotely using Mastodon
if a comment is from remote, users without a WordPress account can't comment locally, because this would defragment the communication. It would create an answer thread that the original author on the fediverse will not be able to read, because we can't federate them because of several reasons
1. local users have no account, so we can't create a profile for them
2. it might be a GDPR issue, because a local visitor would not assume the federation
that's why we built in the remote-reply link
we will not implement a local login using a Mastodon account, because we would have to use the proprietary API of Mastodon and it would only work with Mastodon then. ActivityPub is an open protocol, so we try to implement things that would work for every remote platform
I hope that makes sense?!?
[schmarty] and wagle joined the channel
Yes that makes sense, thank You for listening to my questions patiently.
"2. it might be a GDPR issue, because a local visitor would not assume the federation" I could block his commenting Feature until User accepts the consent, but I agree with you that a given platform may not comply with GDPR rules..
I thought the plugin offered additional functionality beyond the protocol.
and all platforms in the federation have standardized authorization.
[aciccarello] and Jah joined the channel
I really like the idea of ​​activitypub - my activity is not platform dependent, but I made a mistake thinking that the protocol in combination with your plugin offers an additional feature: comments available only to users remembered by the plugin (the plugin has its own database with accounts associated with federated platform accounts), i.e. WordPress has comments enabled but the only group of allowed commenters are users from your
plugin. Before leaving a comment, your plugin offers authorization for a specific platform from the federation, remembers it and does not ask for it again (stores it in a cookie, for example). Of course, such a comment is sent according to the "ActivityPub" protocol as it is currently. I did not mean to create a universal login panel for all platforms from the federation. I wanted to find out if it allows or will allow user data to be
remembered on the basis of (scenario): 1. select your platform; 2. redirection occurs; 3. User authorizes and returns to WordPress 4. Plugin remembers his instance from federation platform 5. User without successful authorization will not leave a message.
User without successful authorization in Your Plugin won't leave message
damn cookie also requires GDPR consent..
I am not sure I understand your request properly!
we are talking only about comments using the comment form do we?
and your request is, that mastodon et al. users should be able to authenticate on your blog, to comment there?
maybe you can bypass GDPR on the basis of a window frame that will be displayed after clicking button eg. MyFedi in the comment form. The plugin will generate this frame. In this frame, user should authorize themselves, i.e. provide the correct data: instance url, login, password. After correct authorization, the text area in comment form WordPress will be unlocked. The text from the text area (field) would go to the instance which would
send a response from itself back to WordPress. The advantage of this would be that the user is not redirected to the instance page (window frame with the instance) to log in. This would be in accordance with GDPR, and the plugin would place the text from the text field in the comment field of the given instance, simultaneously verifying whether it reached WordPress. I know that what I wrote is complicated and requires knowledge of the API
of a specific platform from fediverse, but the plugin would still work as before. Everything that is currently happening would happen, but the comment of the observed post would be possible to add in the window frame and not after transferring to the instance. Initially this could be limited to Mastodon, and then the community could add additional platforms from the fediverse.
"we are talking only about comments using the comment form do we?" mostly yes
but the idea of the plugin is, that users do not have to visit your site ever again when following your blog on the fediverse
so the normal flow is, that a subscriber sees your post in their mastodon app and comment there
"and your request is, that mastodon et al. users should be able to authenticate on your blog, to comment there?" Yes, but you wrote that it must be a WordPress user
WordPress users have an account on the blog and therefore a fediverse profile, so they will be able to directly comment from the blogs comment form
but everyone else can comment using their mastodon or any other federated app
"but the idea of the plugin is, that users do not have to visit your site ever again when following your blog on the fediverse" I agree with this. I don't want to force people to visit the site. I just want those on my site to have equal rights with those on a specific platform instance. There are those who create an account and want to comment on something without having to do it directly from the platform.
they can comment directly on your post or on other local comments... the only limitation is that they can't reply to comments that came from the fediverse in a comment-thread...
and these local comments won't be federated
It's hard for me to explain. You wrote: "WordPress users have an account on the blog and therefore a fediverse profile, so they will be able to directly comment from the blogs comment form". I would like WordPress to allow guests to leave comments because I don't allow logged-in user accounts to be created. However, your plugin would not allow guests to leave comments, only existing accounts on any instance of the fediverse platform
no, the plugin allows guest comments from visitors that have no account
Maybe this will show what I mean
Your plugin manages the wordpress comment system
Wordpress: 1. Account creation blocked;
2. Guests can leave comments (WordPress) requires only a few identifying fields.
let me try to sum that up
1. visitors can comment without having an account on WordPress, but because they have no account, their comments won't be shared with Mastodon or other instances, these are simply local comments
2. subscribers can comment from Mastodon or any other platform and their comments will be federated with other instances
3. the WordPress users can reply to every of those comments. If it is a local comment, the comment of the WordPress user will be local, if it is a federated comment, the reply of the WordPress user will be federated
This will generate two different kinds of comment threads.
1. The ones that started using the local comment form are kept local and only visitors of the blog can comment to them locally
2. The ones that started on Mastodon et al will be kept federated and only accounts that are ActivityPub enabled can reply
1 and 2 do not interest me, but if I completely disable comments, your plugin will stop working.
"ActivityPub" plugin: 1. Blocks guests from commenting
2. Has its own form that uses the wordpress comment system as a database.
3. The plugin form allows the user to leave a response from a window frame (e.g. mastodon) instead of redirecting to the platform page, the user uses the window frame from the platform (is not redirected)
the plugin will also work with disabled comments
"1. visitors can comment without having an account on WordPress, but because they have no account, their comments won't be shared with Mastodon or other instances, these are simply local comments" Your plugin manages WordPress comments after installation. After installation, Guests and anyone else have commenting disabled by default.
The ActivityPub plugin works with disabled comments and does not provide any custom comment form!
> Your plugin manages WordPress comments after installation. After installation, Guests and anyone else have commenting disabled by default.
The plugin does not take over comment management and if installed everything will work as before, but with the possibility to also comment from Mastodon
""The plugin does not take over comment management and if installed everything will work as before, but with the possibility to also comment from Mastodon"" This is the point
But you can do that if you want
by simply using the core functions to disable (local) comments
I understand that this is some kind of extension
disabling comments is a WordPress thing, you do not need any plugin for that
" by simply using the core functions to disable (local) comments" If I turn off comments, your "ActivityPub" plugin will stop working. You wrote above that it extends the possibility to Mastodon
I am not aware that I wrote something like that 😳
The plugin should work with comments disabled
if it does not, it is a bug!
If you turn of "Allow people to submit comments on new posts", people are no longer seeing the comment form, but they can still comment on Mastodon or any other platform that support ActivityPub
[Otto_Rask] joined the channel
So Your plugin allows me to display a comments from mastodon below post even if I've disabled comments in wordpress?
below post on my website
No, it does not show any form then.
Your visitors have to follow your site on Mastodon then, like they do it with any other Mastodon Account and then they can comment to your blogposts there
That's exactly why (if I understand correctly) I need to have comments enabled in WordPress if I want show comments from Mastodon
but (at least this is how I thought it works) if you disable "Allow people to submit comments on new posts" it will only disable the form. It will still allow trackbacks, pinbacks, ... and ActivityPub comments...
Unfortunately, enabling comments in Wordpress means that you can leave a comment locally. I'm not interested in commenting locally but this built comment feature enable this.. otherwise I wouldn't display comments from mastodon below the post and that's what I care about. Only comments from the federation instance
[morganm] joined the channel
I think I'm still not understood. I want to bypass the ability to leave local comments. I can turn it off, but it means that the website under the post will stop displaying comments, e.g. from Mastodon
So here is a post with comments disabled and a received comment from Mastodon: https://pfefferle.org/mammoth-test/
gRegor joined the channel
I even added a second one from a different instance
[Ros] joined the channel
If I've "ActivityPub" plugin installed and disabled built-in comments in WordPress, will comments (below post) still show up (from Mastodon because I disabled local commenting)?
they should show up
The "disable" does not disable the comment feature, but only the possibility to comment locally
let me see I'm just checking, maybe I actually have an error..
maybe it's a theme thing?!?
[qubyte] joined the channel
If you are using a "Full Site Editing" theme, it seems that you still have to add the comments section to your template, but disable it using the settings.
I turned off "Allow comments on new entries" (in the "discussion" tab of Wordpress settings) and I still see the commenting form..
maybe you have to also disable it on the post level?
this whole new block thing still feels broken :(
"maybe you have to also disable it on the post level?" yes here was button with disble comment. Now I see: Comments are closed.
Also, my theme still has the option: Personalize Comment Display
yes and you should keep the comments section in your theme!
but it is not responsible for comments. It worked in the post creation section to mark -> do not allow comments
Let me check now, I'm checking if the comment from mastodon will show up below the post
it will take a while for the post to appear on mastodon. Oops I forgot to enable the "Share on mastodon" plugin
it will take a while for the post to appear on mastodon. Oops I forgot to enable the "Share on mastodon" plugin
but be aware that share on mastodon is something completely different
comments on a "share" will not end up on a WordPress blog!
> it will take a while for the post to appear on mastodon.
Yes, this is because the plugin sends it via cron. This is needed if you have a lot of followers, because sending the post out to the fediverse could cause some time then!
"comments on a "share" will not end up on a WordPress blog!" so such a comment from mastodon will not be shared from wordpress?
there is a difference between "share on mastodon" which seems to use one of your mastodon accounts to share a post and ActivityPub
Now, as the comment shows (with WordPress local comments disabled), can I describe what I meant before?
oh, that was not the main problem?!?
go for it!
Sorry, I know I'm being intrusive. I didn't know that comments from mastodon would show up when I turned off local comments. I wrote about creating a comment from the blog page (with local commenting disabled). I know that Your plugin "ActivityPub" doesn't have a comment form
No problem 😉
Don't take my message as a demand. It's a request, or rather a question whether something like this is possible.
Is it possible:
Your plugin or another one working with your "AtivityPub" would have its own form
comment form*
I know that the plugin doesn't have a form - I understood when you wrote to me earlier that ActivityPub doesn't have its own comment form
And what should this form do?
Or provide?
For the sake of argument, let's consider the scenario where such a form exists
The comment form would require a plugin like "ActivityPub" to be associated with the user account, but only after the user agrees (checkbox) and logs in, and this is the crux of my question.
Linking the form (form id) to the account of the user who must log in to leave a comment. NOTE not a local comment.
Logging in to a specific platform instance from the federation
I try to rephrase it to be sure I understand you correctly: your idea is that someone that visits your site can login using Mastodon to write a federated comment directly from your site!?!
I know that the form would have a special button: "connect Fedi". This button would open a window frame where the user would enter authorization data directly on eg. mastodon page in frame (or if exist api fields would pass the user's Login/Password data instead of a frame)
I know that the form would have a special button: "connect Fedi". This button would open a window frame where the user would enter authorization data directly on eg. mastodon page in frame (or if exist api fields would pass the user's Login/Password data instead of a frame)
^ Mike McCue has been talking about this idea even more broadly, decoupling your fediverse account from your server/app, so that you could use eg your Mastodon account to log into Pixelfed and post a picture with a Pixelfed filter
This is technically possible, but not in the scope of the ActivityPub plugin.
it's an interesting powerful idea! but much bigger than WordPress specifically
The exact comment is created on my site but in reality it is created e.g. in mastodon. The plugin knows that the user sent a message from the site they are following because they created a comment there. The plugin can verify receipt of the comment
I finally managed to convey what I wanted to say :)
"it's an interesting powerful idea! but much bigger than WordPress specifically" That's why I wrote to you because you are the expert who can tell me if I am a dreamer
At the moment, this is not possible, using an open standard, so we would have to implement the mastodon specific api and every other api of the platform you would like to use. If there will be a solution similar to what [snarfed] described, we would most likely implement it, but not using the proprietary APIs
I absolutely do not expect the "activitypub" plugin to have this feature and form. I mean the sense
Yes, it is technically possible!
Is it about the time and cost of the work to be done or is the problem with closed APIs?
The API is open and well defined, so it is about cost and time
And it is ONLY about mastodon
Mastodon is great but it isn't a must for me. I'm just starting a website and I just created an account with mastodon. If it was a matter of a platform with an open API, it isn't a problem for me to change the platform.
No, it has an open API, but it is not standardized, like ActivityPub is. So if you implement a Mastodon Comment Form, it might not work with other platforms, because it is Mastodon specific
Now I understand that creating and maintaining this feature is a big cost.
It depends on how many platforms you would like to support
There are quite some others that also support the mastodon api, I just wanted to make clear that it is different to ActivityPub and not interoperable by default
I may be wrong because I have much less knowledge, but only matrix.org and what Aaron Parecki creates have a standardized API?
http://Matrix.org is like the chat version of ActivityPub
While writing the above I was wondering if the ActivityPub plugin would offer an API for the community that would itself create a connection between ActivityPub and a specific platform.
Maybe we call Matrix and ActivityPub a protocol and Mastodons API simply an API?!?
http://Matrix.org have own protocol (no fediverse) but it is similar.
So the ActivityPub protocol was built to allow different platforms to talk to each other. So it is by far not limited to Mastodon!
I would like to understand on what application layer the ActivityPub protocol, ActivityPub plugin and Mastadon are
stack app
"So the ActivityPub protocol was built to allow different platforms to talk to each other. So it is by far not limited to Mastodon!" true, I Know
So ActivityPub is the protocol that is used by Mastodon, the WordPress plugin and a lot of different other platforms to allow a decentralized follow, post, comment, …
Like SMTP or POP3 or IMAP for E-Mail
But ActivityPub is mostly only used for the communication between two platforms (server to server)
When it comes to client to server communication (publishing using apps for example) most platforms have their own API
Yes, ActivityPub message transport protocol, but authorization is API dependent.
like as transport...*
Kind of, yes!
these are separate channels
Sadly yes
Because technically ActivityPub would also support client to server communication but it is not widely adopted (yet)
no there is no standard authorization api for each platform (which makes maintenance more expensive)
You could investigate if the Mastodon API might be supported by others or you could only focus on Mastodon for now! I just wanted to explain the difference!
My question is this: that the community knowing the API, e.g. Mastodon and your plugin's API, could create and maintain an authorization feature for a specific platform.
(minor nit, other platforms do support the Mastodon API, eg Pixelfed, Pleroma, etc, but it's still not nearly as broadly supported as ActivityPub, and it doesn't do federation itself at all)
(amusingly the Mastodon API is much more widely supported than ActivityPub C2S! which more or less no one supports 🤷)
(as [pfefferle] said)
"You could investigate if the Mastodon API might be supported by others or you could only focus on Mastodon for now! I just wanted to explain the difference!" Yes, but would people familiar with the Mastodon API be able to connect to your ActivityPub plugin?
These are two completely different things!
The one thing is only about publishing and the other one about federation
@snarfed So we have a tax on novelty here. Does it take a while for the solution to become common?
@pfefferle topic is more complicated than I thought
If you write a comment form that publishes comments using a mastodon account, it will be then automatically federated by mastodon, so it will implicitly simply work
I thought that authorizing the user was half the battle, but integrating the publication of messages with the user is another milestone
This is not that complicated!
I think the most complicated thing is to understand the difference and how everything works ☺
Let’s compare it with WordPress. If you want to use a WordPress App to publish a post, you have to authenticate with the proprietary WordPress API and then you app can post stuff. After a post is published, the ActivityPub plugin takes care of distributing it to all the followers. So ActivityPub does not care how you publish things. It doesn‘t matter if you use the web frontend or an app.
So if you implement something that uses the mastodon api to publish a comment it is the same. After it is published, mastodons ActivityPub implementation distributes it to all the followers!
So it does not really depend on each other
The activitypub plugin can link posts to an account (it knows which account to post), but couldn't a similar idea be used for toots? It provide a "Profile URL" so the comment (toots) also has the same "Profile URL"
You wrote how the publication is done, right?
A post (or toot) is published by an actor, if you publish it on the blog, the actor is the blog user, if you publish it on mastodon it is the mastodon user.
At least if you use ActivityPub
There are other plugins that use a mastodon account to publish, like the share plugin you mentioned
We call the „publish as someone else“ cross posting and/or POSSE
if there was a comment form where the user enters their "Profile URL" then the plugin tries to publish the comment (reply -> toot) according to the "Profile URL" <- if I understand correctly this is how publishing posts works
I think the application would not have to authorize the user, just check if the comment will be loaded correctly in Mastodon - then pass on information about the successful addition of the comment.
But without authorization you could impersonate as everyone else! This would be a big security issue!!!
Yes, but the mastodon window frame on the website would be responsible for authorization - not the activitypub plugin.
something like a script written in selenium (user login in a window frame with mastodon)
This sounds very „hacky“
just wondered if it's possible to bypass the mastodon API using a floating frame with a mastodon window.
Maybe you check one of the „reply on the fediverse“ links here https://notiz.blog/2024/07/10/ein-notiz-blog/#comments
[preview] [Maurice] @pfefferle und irgendwo zwischen den tanzenden Zeilen versteckt sich ein schüchterner JSON-String. Wenn man sich die Details zu deinem Beitrag auf der Webseite ansehen will, zum Beispiel, beim Klicken auf "Kommentar hinterlasse" oder im Feed-Reader.
"This sounds very „hacky“" 😇
Use the form at the bottom and keep the checkbox checked
Try to reload the blog after you are redirected to mastodon
Now the link should be „reply as {your profile name}“ is that what you think about?
I wrote a message but won't redirected to mastodon
When you click the „reply on the fediverse“ you should see a popup
The second form asks you to put in your mastodon profile id (username@instamce)
I filled out the form at the bottom of the page. Should I have clicked: "Reply on the Fediverse"?
I mean one of the links below a comment that came from mastodon
This is how the pop-up box appeared to me. Should I provide my username: @horbaczewski@mastodon.social Or blog: @horbaczewski.info@horbaczewski.info
that's exactly what I see now. It took me to the field where I can comment on your post.
So is this what you are looking for as a form replacement?
yea, The "hacky" would be that it would display in the window frame, i.e.: 1. The Window Frame first contains the Mastodon login. 2. After logging in, only the text field is shown, which also displays the Mastodon comment field in the window frame.
Example: Let's say You're on a blog page for the first time and You're reading user comments. You want to write Your comment and such a window frame would allow You to stay on the blog page (displaying Mastodon only in a frame -> for clear clould scraping the page would show the fields that are required).
Good luck with it ☺
It’s getting late in Germany, so I am off for today 🖐
Feel free to keep writing, I will answer async
sounds like Snark :P
"Good luck with it ☺ "
Sorry I took up your time - thank you for listening. The conversation absorbed me. Gute Nacht :)
GWG joined the channel
I missed a long [pfefferle] conversation. Darn
I hate when I miss the action
misses the action too
Zic joined the channel
@GWP and @Logi You didn't miss anything. The issue of publishing toots from the blog page directly to Mastodon is open ;)