#wordpress 2024-08-23

2024-08-23 UTC
alvarop joined the channel
lil workaround for syndication links not pulling out the urls from the log meta https://benharri.org/notes/13f1c0d850/
[preview] workaround for syndication links not saving the urls. just replace the post id. wp post meta get 2167 syndication_log --format=json \ | jq -r '[.[] | .data.url?]' \ | wp post meta add 2167 mf2_syndication --format=json
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
I'm slowly working on my backlog of WordPress plugin bugs. If there is something that I need to look at...
I feel like I've been less productive lately and I need to fix that
[KevinMarks]1, [morganm]1 and [snarfed] joined the channel
sounds great! my votes:
[preview] [snarfed] #199 incoming webmentions with emoji chars in the source URL fail
I have the one about sites rejecting Webmentions when pings are closed that gets newbies also
That has a PR I need to refresh after pfefferle's comment about still updating the ping logs even as I try to untangle pings from Webmentions
Stormblessed, Guest68 and Lars-Christian joined the channel
what does that slack one link to? i'm only on the irc side
i'm not sure if there's an issue for it but i started poking around trying to get mf2_syndication to fill in from syndication_logs re: my post above. i feel like i saw it work previously but idk
the other major thing i'm still running into is indieauth hanging indefinitely
That one I intend to look at to put in a lower timeout....or something to stop when it hangs
i'd be happy to dig into it a bit more but i don't know how to get more logging out of it
Maybe I'll ask you to test a fix
lemme know, happy to try it
_capjamesg[d], wagle and capjamesg[d] joined the channel