#GWG[snarfed]: We never figured out a course of action. If there is no summary, it falls back on page title..and the title element is Bridgy Response. We got stalled on the question of what it should say... because if you do Facepile it never shows the text
#GWGWe probably should have come up with a simple idea until we could. Maybe an emoji. We have one for each type
#Loqi[preview] [snarfed] based on the info above, i have to suspect this is a problem with https://github.com/pfefferle/wordpress-semantic-linkbacks . cc @pfefferle @acegiak @dshanske.
in the meantime, i thought of a dumb hack on the bridgy side that should fix this: specia...
#Loqi[preview] [snarfed] @dshanske @pfefferle just fyi I'm undoing the workaround for this "Bridgy Response" webmention display problem in WordPress. it's over 5y old, and we thought something in in pfefferle/wordpress-semantic-linkbacks#39 or pfefferle/wordpress-webmention#...