#wordpress 2024-09-12

2024-09-12 UTC
to2ds and coffeelauer joined the channel
not sure if it's syndication links or bridgy doing it but if i syndicate a post, links in the text don't work on bsky but they do on mastodon
here's an example, syn links below the post https://benharri.org/notes/1f807a10ad/
[preview] [ben] anyone used are.na? i’ve been poking around a bit and it seems like a nice little site, at the very least as a slick bookmarks tool https://www.are.na/benharri/open-box-nisdqnz1bpc
cc GWG, the WordPress plugin uses Micropub to syndicate to Bridgy, which sends your post as plain text, without links
so it sent the URL as plain text to both Mastodon and Bluesky
Mastodon evidently detects and linkifies URLs in content, Bluesky doesn't
to2ds, [Jo], sebbu, sebbu2, IWSlackGateway, [mattl], [sebbu], [schmarty], [Joe_Crawford], gRegor, [qubyte], [snarfed], [KevinMarks] and [tantek] joined the channel