#wordpress 2024-09-17

2024-09-17 UTC
[qubyte], [fluffy]1, [KevinMarks], ms_boba[d], [schmarty], [snarfed], to2ds and [dave] joined the channel; pcarrier left the channel
hey guys, in the webmention plugin, I currently have "Set a page for mentions of the homepage to be sent to" set to "No homepage mentions," but they're still getting created as comments on the old page I used to have it set to
known bug? want me to file an issue?
[jgarber] and [pfefferle] joined the channel
seems to be an unknown bug
I'll file
thanks 🙂
could it be also a caching issue?
because I can't see any endpoint links on your main page
so maybe http://brid.gy has cached them?
oh is the only effect that it stops advertising the endpoint on the home page?
I mean yes, http://brid.gy etc cache the endpoint, but I'd hope the plugin would also stop accepting homepage mentions
at least I would think so
because the about page should still be able to be pinged!?!
right, it should still accept wms with target=/about, but not target=/
can you check if you use the `webmention_post_id` filter somewhere?
checked, I don't use it myself
oh, there is a `wp_cache_get`
and we do not reset it after the settings change 🫣
if you want to have a quick fix you could try the CLI command:
```wp cli cache clear```
gRegor, [Joe_Crawford] and to2ds joined the channel