[will]I haven't used WordPress myself for quite a few years, but I still have a few remaining semi-active plugins in my personal GitHub account that [pfefferle] has mostly been maintaining. https://wordpress.org/plugins/hum/ is probably the most indieweb-related; it's a short-URL plugin based on Tantek's http://ttk.me/w/Whistle. I'd like to find new homes for these plugins, and wanted to see if that one would make sense to move into the
[will]indieweb GitHub org. There's also https://wordpress.org/plugins/opengraph/, which has far more active installs, but isn't as directly indieweb-related. [pfefferle] would you be willing to take that into your account?
Loqi[preview] [Will Norris] Description
Hum is a personal URL shortener for WordPress, designed to provide short URLs to your personal content, both hosted on WordPress and elsewhere. For example, rather than a long URL for a WordPress post such as http://willnorris.com/2011/...
Loqi[preview] [Will Norris] Description
The Open Graph protocol enables any web page to become a rich object in a social graph. Most notably, this allows for these pages to be used with Facebook’s Like Button and Graph API as well as within Twitter posts.
The Open Graph plu...