#wordpress 2024-11-25
2024-11-25 UTC
[morganm], Burke, [qubyte], capjamesg, gRegor, sebbu, lazcorp, [Murray], [benji], [mattl], [snarfed] and [juliaro] joined the channel
[juliaro] Hey, I have a lost-in-setup question. I have installed and activated all of the Indieweb plugins to a self-hosted wordpress (except Simple Location), and tried set it up to POSSE through Bridgy. I can see the backfeeding on Bridgy from existing social media interactions, but I can't publish, the error message says _No http://microformats.org/get-started or http://microformats.org/wiki/microformats2 found in [url of the website/post]!_
[juliaro] Interestingly, Micropub doesn't show up in the left menu, so I can't check/edit the settings. Where did I go wrong?
[juliaro] For context: I'm using the basic Twenty Twenty-Three theme, switched back to the Classic Editor, and Post Kinds and the other plugins seem to work, and I'd be scared of installing an earlier WP version just for testing.
[juliaro] Thanks in advance!
[juliaro] Bridgy site, I tried to connect to an existing Mastodon account and Blueksy
[juliaro] Thanks! I did the first one now, and it worked
[juliaro] GWG++