#wordpress 2025-01-24

2025-01-24 UTC
[schmarty] and Temujin joined the channel
That’s kind of you! Well I’m still stumped on the auth issue.
The last time we had something similar, it turned out that a security module was blocking the header. So not sure.
There are also caching possibilities
Or something obvious we're missing
↩️ yeah this feels roughly right — some weird divi caching thing, some security module I have forgotten about
↩️ it is seriously SO nice of you to throw yourself into this. You are giving me hope for human kindness.
↩️ I just deactivated the micropub plugin for now on grounds of simplification?
↩️ ok, another hypothesis — I also have activitypub setup (I am kind of forgetting what I did when by now)
↩️ is there a universe in which activitypub and indieauth are fighting over who is really me?
[Alexandra_Samu]: Do you have the Friends plugin activated or just ActivityPub?
just activitypub atm
ActivityPub is unlikely to interfere because it doesn't do anything with the authorization header
re: indielogin, it gives me a wordpress auth screen and then I get a 520 error
520 from it or from your site?
ActivityPub is maintained by a community member, so unlikely we wouldn't notice if it was that.
There is your answer
I don’t think I ’m running cloudflare
but maybe I am — if so it’s been EONS
Wonder if WP Engine uses it
If it does insert it, it could be blocking the header
that’s so funny, it didn’t occur to me I was the cloudflare layer! I thought thtat was indielogin
Well, aaronpk, who runs indielogin and was the editor of the IndieAuth spec, is usually in our dev room. I'm sure we could confirm.
AHA!! It’s Wpeingine!
I've never used WPEngine, I self-host nginx, but...
So, there might be a way for them to allow the header to be passed. It looks like you are tripping their security
Which is not uncommon
Many shared hosting providers filter that header, which is odd.
Indielogin, regardless, is just a login service. Good simple way to test IndieAuth.
my little ai helper suggested replacing my indieauth endpoints with http://indieauth.com
is that viable?
Let me try to explain why
well at some point I’ll get away from wpenine but no time soon
Indieauth.com is a hosted Indieauth endpoint as opposed to the IndieAuth plugin, which turns your site into an IndieAuth endpoint
The problem we discovered was that people thought you needed indieauth.com to do indieauth...think WordPress.com vs Wordpress.org.
Also, it's a reference implementation that, since it doesn't know who you are...tries to connect your site to other services it can authenticate too
ok so not an option
well, one of the 82 tabs I had open just crashed firefox, so I think that is my signal to go to bed
[Alexandra_Samu]: Probably mine too in a few minutes
But I want to try to help.
you have been VERY kind
any time.
That's what we're here for. The room.
As I said, we're all in and out timewise, but we'll eventually respond.
I think my next step is to ask wpengine if they know how to disable cloudflare on my site — I’m a little mystified that it’s enabled because it seems like something you opt into, but maybe i have that setup via my registrar so I’ll start there
Keep me posted if you need anything.
at a moment when the social web mostly feels terrible it’s very nice to be reminded of why i used to love this stuff
I am doing a radio interview this afternoon that in theory is about the bluesky migratin
If you need something live...the community has a Zoom account, and we do events every so often. Happy to put a...setting up Indieweb plugins on WordPress thing on the community calendar.
so this process may come up!
I am kind of fascinated/surprised this is still so niche-y
like, why isn’t everyone with a wordpress site doing this instead of just going to bluesky
well, I guess the rabbit hole I am in may be part of the answer
There is an explanation I tried to do a few years back that might help
That was me trying to do the Elevator Pitch for IndieWeb for WordPress users
Hmm..probably overdue for an update now that WordPress is getting a lot of attention due recent community drama.
this is another reason I want to get off wpenine
but I can never face down the legacy nightmare
which is why I am working at a desk with a mac g3 sitting at my feet
just bc it’s too tiring to think about what else to do with it
I ended up switching to ClassicPress, but that is more about the fact I don't use the Block Editor so am fine with a fork that strips it out
I still run several WordPress sites as well.
omg the cloudflare issue is totally me!!!
So I make sure the stuff works with both
I have A records pointing to cloudflare from my registrar
oh! no! that’s a WPengine server on cloudflare apparently. so this is a wpengine issue.
I'm sure there is a setting somewhere in Cloudflare to support this
ok I will bug them tomorrow and see what they can do
you have been lovely! You show up here as GWG because I’m guessing you are actually in IRC or discord while i am in slack atm
but I know you are actually David, right?
GWG was my old Freenode name, before we moved the IRC rooms over to Liberachat
I just kept it
anyhow thank you again! and hopefully I will get wpengine to liberate me from this situation - — any tips on what I should be asking them
i assume it’s bascially, you’re still stripping my authorization headers, apparently bc of cloudflare?
Tell them you are trying to login using IndieAuth, which is a variant of OAuth, and Cloudflare is blocking it
ah perfect! thanks!
Looks famliar
that’s very helpful! OK, I’m going to go to bed. Thank you very much for giving me something much better to do than look at ikea hacks on pinterest.
[Alexandra_Samu]: I can talk about Ikea Hacks also.
I'm 3d printing Skadis accessories as we speak
oh don’t tempt me
ok I am going to show you the GREATEST BILLY HACK in the history of billy hacks
it’s not really a hack
also I may have oversold it
There may be something behind the CLoudflare problem that WPEngine can handle. Does WPEngine have logs you can access?
I added some logging to WP config earlier and logged one round of this process, but then I turned off the logging because WordPress dashboard said it was a security risk
Very nice
[Alexandra_Samu]: I meant server logs. If it is WPEngine, not CLoudflare, returning an error, it should be there what it is.
Try to see what happened at the time you tried to use IndieAuth
And the 520 was returned
it’s weird, it’s not there
I have a lot of “preventing possible attempt to enumerate users, referer: https://www.google.com”
That sounds like a security plugin
That's why I said some security measure is probably blocking it
I don’t think I have any extra security stuff on there at this point
she says on the unsecured chat
ok I will talk to wpengine
thanks again!
I'm sorry. Wish I had an instant answer
and sleep well
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