#wordpress 2025-01-24
2025-01-24 UTC
[schmarty] and Temujin joined the channel
# [Alexandra_Samu] That’s kind of you! Well I’m still stumped on the auth issue.
# [Alexandra_Samu] ↩️ yeah this feels roughly right — some weird divi caching thing, some security module I have forgotten about
# [Alexandra_Samu] ↩️ it is seriously SO nice of you to throw yourself into this. You are giving me hope for human kindness.
# [Alexandra_Samu] ↩️ I just deactivated the micropub plugin for now on grounds of simplification?
# [Alexandra_Samu] ↩️ ok, another hypothesis — I also have activitypub setup (I am kind of forgetting what I did when by now)
# [Alexandra_Samu] ↩️ is there a universe in which activitypub and indieauth are fighting over who is really me?
# [Alexandra_Samu] just activitypub atm
# [Alexandra_Samu] re: indielogin, it gives me a wordpress auth screen and then I get a 520 error
# [Alexandra_Samu] I don’t think I ’m running cloudflare
# [Alexandra_Samu] but maybe I am — if so it’s been EONS
# [Alexandra_Samu] hmm
# [Alexandra_Samu] that’s so funny, it didn’t occur to me I was the cloudflare layer! I thought thtat was indielogin
# [Alexandra_Samu] AHA!! It’s Wpeingine!
# [Alexandra_Samu] https://www.cloudflare.com/en-ca/case-studies/wp-engine/
# [Alexandra_Samu] my little ai helper suggested replacing my indieauth endpoints with http://indieauth.com
# [Alexandra_Samu] is that viable?
# [Alexandra_Samu] ah
# [Alexandra_Samu] well at some point I’ll get away from wpenine but no time soon
# [Alexandra_Samu] ah
# [Alexandra_Samu] ok so not an option
# [Alexandra_Samu] well, one of the 82 tabs I had open just crashed firefox, so I think that is my signal to go to bed
# [Alexandra_Samu] you have been VERY kind
# [Alexandra_Samu] I think my next step is to ask wpengine if they know how to disable cloudflare on my site — I’m a little mystified that it’s enabled because it seems like something you opt into, but maybe i have that setup via my registrar so I’ll start there
# [Alexandra_Samu] at a moment when the social web mostly feels terrible it’s very nice to be reminded of why i used to love this stuff
# [Alexandra_Samu] I am doing a radio interview this afternoon that in theory is about the bluesky migratin
# [Alexandra_Samu] so this process may come up!
# [Alexandra_Samu] I am kind of fascinated/surprised this is still so niche-y
# [Alexandra_Samu] like, why isn’t everyone with a wordpress site doing this instead of just going to bluesky
# [Alexandra_Samu] well, I guess the rabbit hole I am in may be part of the answer
# GWG I tried to help with CSS Tricks as well, https://css-tricks.com/de-mystifying-indieweb-on-a-wordpress-site/
# [Alexandra_Samu] yeah
# [Alexandra_Samu] this is another reason I want to get off wpenine
# [Alexandra_Samu] but I can never face down the legacy nightmare
# [Alexandra_Samu] which is why I am working at a desk with a mac g3 sitting at my feet
# [Alexandra_Samu] just bc it’s too tiring to think about what else to do with it
# [Alexandra_Samu] omg the cloudflare issue is totally me!!!
# [Alexandra_Samu] I have A records pointing to cloudflare from my registrar
# [Alexandra_Samu] oh! no! that’s a WPengine server on cloudflare apparently. so this is a wpengine issue.
# [Alexandra_Samu] ok I will bug them tomorrow and see what they can do
# [Alexandra_Samu] you have been lovely! You show up here as GWG because I’m guessing you are actually in IRC or discord while i am in slack atm
# [Alexandra_Samu] but I know you are actually David, right?
# [Alexandra_Samu] ha!
# [Alexandra_Samu] anyhow thank you again! and hopefully I will get wpengine to liberate me from this situation - — any tips on what I should be asking them
# [Alexandra_Samu] i assume it’s bascially, you’re still stripping my authorization headers, apparently bc of cloudflare?
# [Alexandra_Samu] ah perfect! thanks!
# [Alexandra_Samu] that’s very helpful! OK, I’m going to go to bed. Thank you very much for giving me something much better to do than look at ikea hacks on pinterest.
# [Alexandra_Samu] oh don’t tempt me
# [Alexandra_Samu] ok I am going to show you the GREATEST BILLY HACK in the history of billy hacks
# [Alexandra_Samu] it’s not really a hack
# [Alexandra_Samu] also I may have oversold it
# [Alexandra_Samu] I added some logging to WP config earlier and logged one round of this process, but then I turned off the logging because WordPress dashboard said it was a security risk
# [Alexandra_Samu] hmm
# [Alexandra_Samu] looking
# [Alexandra_Samu] it’s weird, it’s not there
# [Alexandra_Samu] I have a lot of “preventing possible attempt to enumerate users, referer: https://www.google.com”
# [Alexandra_Samu] interesting
# [Alexandra_Samu] I don’t think I have any extra security stuff on there at this point
# [Alexandra_Samu] she says on the unsecured chat
# [Alexandra_Samu] ok I will talk to wpengine
# [Alexandra_Samu] thanks again!
# [Alexandra_Samu] and sleep well
Guest6_, [qubyte], Guest6, [Joe_Crawford], [Murray], sebbu2 and jeremy joined the channel