2025-02-24 UTC
[snarfed], sebbu, gRegor, [Joe_Crawford], [jeremycherfas], [lazcorp], [qubyte], [schmarty], [Murray] and [pfefferle] joined the channel
# GWG- [pfefferle]: Saw you were working hard...how can I help?
# GWG- [pfefferle]: I have been suffering from decision paralysis for a bit lately when it comes to my plugins
# GWG- What I feel like working on
# GWG- Hard to decide where to start
gRegor joined the channel
# GWG- [snarfed]: I did... I fixed several of the syndication links ones
# GWG- And an Indieauth one
# GWG- I need to decide on a plan.
# GWG- But so much going on
# GWG- I impulsively started a side hustle on Thursday night
Cas joined the channel
# [pfefferle] I will give some love to the webmentions plugin, so you can focus on some of the issues mentioned by [snarfed]
# [pfefferle] Feel free to also express some of your wishes for the Webmention plugin and I see if I can do you a favor [dshanske]
# GWG- [pfefferle]: Wanted to figure out why things were going into trash
# GWG- A details tag seemed reasonable here.
# Loqi [preview] [dshanske] #448 Add Bulk Action to Migrate Avatars to Local Storage if You Have Store Enabled
# Loqi [preview] [dshanske] Or alternatively a details tag to expand the full text.
# Loqi [preview] [dshanske] #438 Bridgy Webmentions Set Content to Bridgy Response
# GWG- Most of them are simple quality of life things
# GWG- I need to study it a bit, but I was watching it yesterday.
sebbu2 joined the channel