2011-06-29 UTC
# 00:14 brennannovak I propose we do quarterly or a 6 month out hackathon / meeting (even if that means in separate cities)
# 00:16 brennannovak aaronpk: tantek: I believe jQuery UI has a decent calendar widget that may be a good starting point
# 00:18 aaronpk brennannovak: nah, I don't want a widget, I just want something that spits out html
# 00:19 aaronpk if you look at that code, it's well thought out, he wrote the minimum useful code that can be repurposed as needed
# 00:28 tantek I'd rather some sort of MediaWiki plugin that let you create event objects in the markup.
# 00:37 aaronpk couldn't get the redirect working properly, and you already have a real page at /IRC anyway
# 00:37 tantek and since it's just a page, we could combine the two
# 00:39 tantek while you're enabling markup on the wiki - could you add the EnableAbbrTags and ExtendAnchorTags for POSH/Microformats support
# 00:40 tantek oh and I noticed that someone got in with a wordpress.com non-indie-web URL - might want to add that to the OpenID provider blacklist
# 00:41 aaronpk hm those look like they are already installed, are they not working?
# 00:41 tantek e.g. <abbr class="dtstart d-start" title="2011-06-25">July 25</abbr>
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# 00:49 tantek look for $htmlpairs = array_merge( $extratags, array( # Tags that must be closed
# 00:50 aaronpk k done. I feel like i've done that before. I must have lost the changes when I upgraded MW versions
# 00:50 tantek maybe contribute the change and see what happens
# 00:52 tantek and looks like we're not the only ones that want/do this customization
abki___, dbounds and DawnFoster joined the channel
# 03:10 DawnFoster aaronpk: I knew you wouldn't mind, but I have to say that I got permission :)
# 03:11 DawnFoster awesome, thanks!
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# 17:58 MarkDilley indywebcamp
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# 18:04 MarkDilley aaronpk: looking at 2012 / Guest List - where I personally get stuck is here: builders only - code - design - ux. I consider myself a builder, in the wiki sense... where do I fit?
# 18:05 tantek MarkDilley - what do you build for your own site?
# 18:05 tantek content authoring / wiki gardening - those don't count as "building"
# 18:06 tantek "building" here is scoped in two particular ways: 1. something you do on and for your own personal site, live. and 2. something that can be shared and replicated by others on their own personal sites.
ccauthen joined the channel
# 18:06 tantek that includes open source code obviously, but also things like wireframes, storyboards, UI sketches, UX flows, icons, and other ux/design elements.
# 18:07 tantek if you can think of something else specific that fits that scope of building, please describe it!
# 18:19 MarkDilley tantek: they are building, but not in the sense that you have presented
# 18:19 MarkDilley That is why I didn't consider last year or this year attendance. Talking to Amber, she said I should have come. Just trying to figure out how the invitation would include me.
# 18:20 tantek MarkDilley - you can always come as an apprentice to a builder (find one to sponsor you)
# 18:20 tantek and can you describe what you build for your own site?
# 18:26 tantek just got confirmation that we are go for 2012 IndieWebCamp at Urban Airship!
# 18:26 MarkDilley My own site
# 18:26 MarkDilley that is an issue there
# 18:26 MarkDilley I founded WikiIndex
# 18:26 MarkDilley it is a wiki of wiki
# 18:26 MarkDilley I welcome new wikis into the WikiOhana
# 18:27 tantek if you're not developing it on your own site - it's not indieweb - that really is the focus of this particular *Camp.
# 18:27 MarkDilley I help people think about how to build their wiki
# 18:27 tantek in otherwords, this is more specific than just federation or any other open protocol / tool.
# 18:27 MarkDilley building, just not in the sense of how you are defining it
# 18:27 tantek right, building, just not "indieweb" building
# 18:28 MarkDilley so I don't know what Amber meant that I should be there next year
# 18:29 MarkDilley I have been a couple times, missed this year
# 18:30 MarkDilley Was scheduled to speak last year, but had to go out of town
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# 20:16 abki_ Your product is essentially "of the Web" - decentralized, interoperable, secure and privacy- & people-centric
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