#indiewebcamp 2012-06-04

2012-06-04 UTC
tilgovi and tantek joined the channel
@aaronpk: For all the #vdat participants, @indiewebcamp is happening on June 30th! An unconference all about owning your own data online.”
dascher, tantek, tantek_ and bengee joined the channel
I've made plans for IndieWebCamp http://t.co/pcXLLx57
bengee and bengee_ joined the channel
Intriguing: Singly Awards: http://t.co/g6p0dDW3 + ISWG survey: http://t.co/yCWNOCtB + indie web camp PDX: http://t.co/AS1j4haY
Intriguing: Singly Awards: http://t.co/uYnER31L + ISWG survey: http://t.co/KsudTxmK + indie web camp PDX: http://t.co/Y1I1hLm8
barnabywalters, dascher, spinnerin, DrPiD|Away and tantek joined the channel
@ViaPlanetVox Belle promesse. Quid d'une localisation fr. et partenariat avec l'#IndieWebCamp http://t.co/tQXNFIDb #OwnYourData
dascher, barnabywalters, tantek, tilgovi, brennannovak, dietrich and spinnerin joined the channel