aaronpktantek: I just realized that your permalinks for your text updates appear to not be automatically generated. do you create those when you post an update?
aaronpktantek: in the source of your updates, do you reference "@aaronpk" and your site converts to twitter.com/aaronpk, or do you reference twitter.com/aaronpk and convert to @aaronpk?
tantek5. allow minor edits to posts, e.g. to fix typos, grammar errors (again per a white-list) - check for % of change, or # of characters changed as a threshold.
tantektime to add the rest of the awesome photos in approximate time sequence order to: http://indiewebcamp.com/Classof2012 (I made a day 1 and a day 2 section, which could be further subdivided)
aaronpkI'm trying to set up PuSH on my site, but I need someone to subscribe to the feed in order for app engine to accept the posts. Are there any test implementations of PuSH subscribers so I don't have to set one up myself?
singpolymastatus.net/identi.ca and rstat.us are the two good public ones, yeah. Though you can use the pubsubhubbub.appspot.com test subscriber also if you like
aaronpksingpolyma: what's the "test subscriber"? all I can find is a form that makes the subscribe request, but requires me to handle all the postbacks and such
aaronpktantek: it's just a scratch feed, i'm going to delete it in a few minutes. if identica can subscribe to it that'll be easiest for me to test with
aaronpkweird, it says "Sorry, we could not reach that address. Please make sure that the OStatus address is like nickname@example.com or http://example.net/nickname"
jancborchardtaaronpk: tantek there’s a typo on the front page: »The third annual IndieWebCamp will be June 22 through July 23, 2013, « (Not sure which date is correct though)
singpolymatantek: I have the hAtom parser I use for my personal aggregator (I use hAtom as the intermediate and storage format so that I can consume many feed formats but process it all with the same code)
tantekshane (@veganstraightedge) mentioned this weekend that he had a slightly different set of post-type short-code 1-letter prefixes from mine ( http://ttk.me/w/Whistle#design ) - but I can't find his on the web - anyone know of them?
tantekbtw - just as Evan, Julien, donpdonp et al developed their open people search service, I can see wanting/needing/using an open venue search service as well
tantekshane wanted to use 'x' for venue (x marks the spot), but I think 'v' for venue is better, and the more I thought about it, the more I realized that the temporal playback aspect of both audio and video made them similar enough in presentation/UI to collapse.
tantekshort url? probably something like ttk.me/v/XXX1 where XXX was the date I first created (possibly checked into) the venue, and 1 assuming it was the first venue I created that day.
aaronpkthat's fine, but then how would you refernce it from a checkin? It just seems like a named identifier would be easier to deal with in the source files
aaronpkOne of the downsides of using Jekyll or other static site generators is that you kind of lose the concept of ids vs names in permalinks, like I can't really have a page have both the URL aaronparecki.com/venue/XXX1 and aaronparecki.com/venue/XXX1/geoloqi-hq
tantekFYI: barnabywalters, veganstraightedge (in case these get picked up by Google alerts monitoring our IRC archives) - I've updated my Whistle short-codes: http://tantek.com/w/Whistle#design - 'a' is now for audio and video, and 'v' is for venue
aaronpkexample: Eran sent me the oauth.net site since I took over hosting it. From the moment I said "ok I'll host it" it took about 8 minutes to receive a .zip file of the site, unpack it on my server, set up the vhost, and it was running
tantekbtw - aaronpk - how hard it would it be to setup an Atom feed of the IRC archives of the last like 255 utterances on here or something, and then ping a hub with them?
mkowensI wrote a very basic PHP framework to throw it up on a shared hosting. I could copy/paste that folder to any Apache/PHP server and it'd be fine.
mkowensThe right tool for the right job, in my mind. PHP, while not what I would choose to build a robust web application, is perfect for small, rarely-changing websites.
aaronpktantek: wb. You should be able to subscribe to this in statusnet: http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/logs but I seem to be having trouble getting it to recognize it as a valid feed
aaronpkwell if somebody would be so kind as to subscribe to this feed using the app engine hub, then they should start pulling it: http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/logs
tanteksomehow my plain single quote ' in there's is being auto-smartened - when it shouldn't be - the feed should just reflect the plain text that is coming from IRC
tantekfinally, I think it is more semantically correct to use <content> elements for the utterances rather than <summary>, because you're putting the entire contents in the feed, not summaries.