#indiewebcamp 2012-08-16

2012-08-16 UTC
brennannovak, dascher, davida, josephboyle and jancborchardt joined the channel
yo aaronpk benatkin elf-pavlik get over to http://friendsunhosted.com, the first unhosted social network! Iā€™m jan@5apps.com
davida, davida_, brennannovak, josephboyle, tantek, lmorchard, adactio, danbri, danbri_, xtof_fr and tilgovi joined the channel
benward and ketan joined the channel
Here's another colleague who has moved from self-hosted WordPress to Jekyll - and wrote about why: http://rudyjahchan.com/2012/08/14/moved-from-wordpress-to-jekyll-part-1/ cc: benward, aaronpk
I wonder if transition to Jekyll this should be on the "getting started" page as an alternative
who here is using Jekyll on their personal site again? Aaronpk - did you end up using Jekyll or did you write your own Ruby solution?
ketan joined the channel
I actually ended up with my own PHP solution
I seriously considered Jekyll tho, ultimately wanted a little more flexibility