2012-08-17 UTC
josephboyle, josephboyle1, davida, davida_, tantek, stereoket, ketan, adactio, danbri, dietrich_, xtof_fr and danbri_ joined the channel
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# 16:29 tantek so, what do folks think of the new Twitter API TOS?
stereoket joined the channel
# 16:49 aaronpk ^^ my inarticulate feelings about the Twitter API TOS
# 16:52 tantek yet another reason to POSSE - so you don't have anything that is "Twitter content"
# 16:52 tantek and a *copy* (or citation, abbreviated form, etc.) just happens to get sent to Twitter
# 16:52 tantek the opposite appears to now be forbidden by the TOS
# 16:53 tantek copying your content from Twitter to your own site just as text (without all their embed codes etc.)
# 16:53 aaronpk ironically, I finally just set up PESOS on my site
# 16:53 aaronpk the plan was always to switch to POSSE, just needed a stepping stone
# 17:23 tantek aaronpk - remember how I kept saying that PESOS was *not* a stepping stone to POSSE?
# 17:23 aaronpk I think it's been a good stepping stone for me tho!
# 17:24 aaronpk especially since I wanted to import all my old tweets back to my site
# 17:27 tantek PESOS is about setting up a live connection *in the wrong direction*
# 17:27 tantek and once people do that, they tend to be too busy (or lazy, or both) to fix it to work the right way
# 17:28 aaronpk yes, it started as a batch import task, and now I have it continuing to update until I set up a good authoring system
# 17:28 tantek hence PESOS can effectively be a step backwards from POSSE
# 17:28 aaronpk yes, the risk is always that I won't get around to it
# 17:28 tantek not just risk, likely outcome - given past experience with others who have done so
# 17:29 aaronpk but it was more important for me to have my content on my site and be comfortable sharing my site than it was to set it up right the first time
# 17:29 tantek problem is that by copying from Twitter, it stops being *your content* and starts being *their content*
# 17:29 tantek so you didn't really achieve that, unfortunately
# 17:30 tantek it's why pushed so hard to get the tantek.com -> twitter connection working as part of the first version of Falcon that I installed/ran.
# 17:30 tantek and now I have a local archive of my old tweets that I can batch import whenever I get around to writing a batch import script
# 17:31 tantek all of which were published and downloaded *before* their TOS changes, so screw those changes, they don't apply retroactively (good luck if they try to make them do so)
# 17:32 aaronpk my next task is to get aaronparecki.com -> twitter working properly, with good auto-shortening rules and auto-linking, etc. I didn't have a place to work on that before, and now with my new site I do.
# 17:32 tantek anyway - because of the looming TOS changes (are they effectively immediately? or do they take effect very soon?), probably best to make POSSE a priority
# 17:32 aaronpk currently the TOS says "You retain your rights to any Content you submit, post or display on or through the Services."
# 17:33 tantek interesting, so if you write an app just for your own content, presumably those rights trump Twitter's API TOS?
# 17:33 aaronpk this is from the user's TOS, not the developer site, not sure if ther'es a different one for apps
# 17:33 aaronpk but at least as a user of twitter, it's still my text
# 17:33 tantek the one for apps is what everyone's been atwitter about yesterday
# 17:34 aaronpk so in theory there's nothing wrong with batch importing your own content and doing whatever you want with it
# 17:34 tantek it's pretty bad in terms of writing apps that post to multiple places, and the rules on embedding tweets
# 17:35 aaronpk so for example, I can't take a reply from you posted to twitter and display it on my site, unless I follow their rules exactly
# 17:35 tantek actually, you can, since you can get it directly from my site :)
# 17:35 tantek without having to have involved twitter in anyway
# 17:35 tantek except you can use Twitter for "discovery" of my original
# 17:35 tantek using the perma short citation at the end of my tweets
# 17:36 tantek and we can also tell people to CC license their tweets
# 17:36 tantek which will also trump Twitter's API TOS, since the owner of the content is creating a license for their content that goes beyond what Twitter allows
# 17:37 tantek Tweets are so short it's not even clear they can assert any rights - or rather - fair use may apply to their entirety
# 17:37 tantek Official print citation styles to tweets include embedding the text of the entire tweet
# 17:40 tantek does US copyright law and fair use get trumped by Twitter TOS? I'd say no, but feel free to ask an actual lawyer :)
# 17:41 tantek you can use that to check if people have CC licensed their tweets
# 17:41 tantek and then you can do whatever you want per CC with them, ignoring Twitter's embed guidelines etc.
# 17:41 tantek since you're getting the license for the content directly from the owner, not Twitter
# 17:44 aaronpk looks like they dropped the "public domain dedication" license in favor of CC0
# 17:58 tantek (and this is all from research I did months ago)
# 17:58 tantek and we somehow presciently end-up doing the session about them subsequently at IndieWebCamp
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